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solsc.2012: just another day 30/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

Just another day, except
it was my birthday and
I had the week off (for spring break).

Just another day, except
my girls shared "Happy birthday Momma!" and
two hand drawn cards with Grandma's help.

Just another day, except
my mom wrote a sweet
tribute slice about me.

Just another day, except
I had time with my mom for
the first-of-the-season mani-pedi treat.

Just another day, except
I took time to read, closed my eyes, and
allowed myself a nap on the couch.

Just another day, except
my brother created a delicious
birthday dinner with my family.

Just another day, except
I made a wish, blew out candles
on a chocolate fudge cake.

Just another day, except
my dad and brother surprised me with
my favorite hydrangeas.

Just another day, except
I received another thoughtful gift --
a book of slices - volume two!

Just another day, except
it was a day that allowed me
the opportunity to feel really special.

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  1. You have such a great way of expressing yourself and creating poetry. Glad you had such a wonderful "just another day". Every day is "just another day" and each one of them is special - but birthdays are the best!!!

  2. Happy birthday! It sounds like a wonderful week for you!

  3. Happy Birthday Michelle (a day late but still a million good wishes) I think our birthdays should be special no matter how old we good for you that your day was made special!!!!

  4. A perfect birthday day. Not that a birthday is about gifts but all the gifts you listed in the poem are precious.

  5. Wow - a lot of love in that day and in that post. Happy Birthday!

  6. Sounds like it was a wonderful day! I like how you contrasted the first line with the surpise that was to come. It makes me think you were feeling like there weren't any plans, but upon reflection and delighting in all the little things it became much more than another day. It's your day and everyone celebrated you! I love that you "allowed" yourself a nap - good for you! Happy Birthday!

  7. So glad that you have "birthday afterglow" on the day after your birthday, and it's still spring break! AHHHHH! Enjoy!!!

  8. Happy birthday! And it sounds as though you 've had a perfect celebration. What a thoughtful family you have....

  9. Birthdays are the day to feel special. Your family did that for you. This poems lets them know how special it was for you. Another lovely poem I wish I had thought of writing.

  10. Happy Birthday! You gave yourself a wonderful gift- yet another creative poem. How do you come up with this stuff? Each of the thoughtful, special touches on your day are well-deserved. Continue to enjoy!

  11. Happy Birthday Michelle! I'm glad it was a great one. I enjoyed this birthday slice.

  12. Happy Birthday to you.
    And thank you for sharing your day in this poem.

  13. Really fine birthday memory poem, Michelle. I love the repetition & the structure you chose. It seems that you had a wonderful day & I'm so happy for you. Here's to another year!

  14. It sounds like you had a really fun birthday! I'm wondering if you are going to keep slicing in poems all next month for April- it's National Poetry Month, you know?

  15. Happy Birthday! Hope there's enough chocolate fudge cake left over to enjoy tomorrow-- :)


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