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solsc.2012: wishes 29/31

Today is kind of a special day . . . it's my birthday!  Really, it's just another day.  But how do I want to remember this year?  How can I capture it here?  I've thought about it and thought about it and scribbled ideas in my notebook. I could borrow Terje's 'before and now' format.  I could write a poem.  Or, what I've learned in 36 years like Deb wrote last year. Ah, I have an idea!  Birthday wishes!  Oh, wait.  I think I did something like this last year.  Oh well, I guess I liked the idea, so I'll try it again.  (I promise not to peek until this post is complete.)

Here are 36 birthday already-came-true-wishes . . . in no particular order!

1. My two precious daughters
2. My lovey hubby
3. My supportive family - Mom, Dad, Bro Scott
4. Faith in God
5. Beautiful Grace
6. Abounding love
7. True happiness
8. Play! (My One little word)
9. Good Health
10. Words, words, words
11. Books, books, books
12. Naps 4 All
13. Sunny days
14. Highlights
15. Fresh haircut
16. Pretty jewelry
17. New purse
18. Dark chocolate
19. Mint chocolate chip ice cream
20. Laughing and laughing
21. Walks around the block
22. Screened in porch
23. Fresh bouquet of flowers
24. Smelly lotions
25. Time to enjoy life
26. Fun friends
27. Words with friends
28. Board games
29. Fire pits
30. S'mores
31. Hot cocoa
32. Chocolate cake
33. Do you see a pattern here about chocolate?
34. Pinterest
35. Writing
36. My Slice Of Life community

Cheers!  Here's to many, many more!


  1. This is a fun way to write about your birthday. I'll have to remember it next February for mine - I'll be 39 - yikes! :) Have a wonderful day!

  2. Love all your wishes. So glad that I can be here to celebrate with you. It's just another day to celebrate YOU!!! Happy Birthday!! Love ya M&D

  3. Nice list, Michelle! Isn't it wonderful to write down all the things you are blessed with. A great reminder when the going gets tough. Have a wonderful day--and you get to spend it with your mom, which will make it all the more special!

  4. So how does it compare to last year's list? You have so many blessings and the joy of your life comes through with this list. Enjoy your day and make it a memorable birthday. Happy Birthday Michelle!

  5. Happy Birthday! This one,"Mint chocolate chip ice cream" is my favorite because it is my favorite snack that I rarely allow myself to have.

  6. Happy Birthday! I love that you wrote about already received wishes! :)

  7. Happy Birthday! What a fun way to slice. I am glad that you decided to stick to this format, and I look forward to clicking on your post from last year next.

  8. Happy Birthday, Michelle! I hope you have many more and continue to add to this list for a long time!

  9. Dear Michelle,
    Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Happy Birthday! You look great. With a list like yours life gets happier every year. I hope that your birthday cake was rich with chocolate.

  10. Happy, happy day! May this year be filled with life's richest slices (and lots of chocolate!) Hugs and prayers!

  11. Happy Birthday Michelle! This is a great list of wishes already come true. I too am thankful for pinterest, chocolate and many of the other things on your list. I hope you had a great time celebrating.

  12. I will put this idea down also for future reference. It's good to wish and see wishes come true. Happy Birthday, Michelle.

  13. Happy birthday Michelle! Hope all your wishes come true!

  14. Happy birthday Michelle! Hope all your wishes come true!

  15. What a great way to commemorate your birthday. A list full of amazing blessings (chocolate included). I hope it was a wonderful day filled snuggles from your girls. Happy birthday!

  16. Happy birthday! These wishes would make me incredibly happy - sounds like they've done the same for you.

  17. Sweet post! :) I have lots of chocolate for next week, too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  18. Happy birthday to you! You and my mom have the same birthday. I love your wishes --- and thrilled to see chocolate making such a strong showing on the list.

  19. Happiest of days, I think I missed the time, Michelle, but hope it was wonderful. I like the new look of your blog-did I miss that too? I love your list. What a nice group of good things, with the girls and your husband right there at the top!


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