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solsc.2012: this year vs last year - 21/31

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Slice of Life Stories hosted by the
This year the Slice of Life challenge has been different for me. It's only my second year participating, but it's different.

Last year was more intimate.  It's a fact: There were less slicers.  Please don't misunderstand!  I am thrilled at the number of teachers, writers, mothers, and husbands that are participating.  However, last year I felt I could reach out to so many more writers. Read so many more slices.  Leave so many more notes of encouragement. Follow the lives of so many more in the community of writers.  This year is different for me.

Last year I connected with many slicers and I'm doing my very best to check in on their writing daily.  This year my mom and two friends and colleagues joined in the challenge and I love to read what they write daily.  I'm also trying to read slices from those that have left thoughtful comments on my posts daily.  But the time to try and read more daily?!?  Only possible solution: I need more time . . . daily!  This year is different for me.

Last year I loved reading as many slices as I could because there were so many great ideas to borrow and try out.  Just yesterday I told a group of fourth graders that it's the highest form of a compliment for someone to like and borrow your idea!  Last night as I did my very best to read, read, read as many slices as I could . . . I stumbled upon these great ideas that I'm hoping to try:
And realize, this is one day out of a whole month and only a fraction of all the writers!  Maybe when April arrives, or quite possibly the summer months, I'll go back and read old slices.  Or will I?  Sometimes it's hard going back when the present is right here.

This year is different for me.

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  1. And, as it should be - each step in our lives makes us reach further and expect more of ourselves. I still haven't figured out how you accomplish all you do. Thanks for including me in your "great ideas". Love ya M (2 more days!!!)

  2. This is my first year in the challenge although I began the Tuesday slices this past November. I was trying to comment every Tuesday but gave that up when the challenge began. I try and find new slices to read each day. I've also added the blogs of many slicers to my google reader and those I read and comment on almost daily. It's hard to do it all!

  3. I agree it is different and hard to connect with those that I felt I made such great friendships with (like you). Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with slices and trying to make comments that I just, don't. But I try to read as many as I can and always read my "buddies" and try to pick a couple at random. But of course this is spring break and next week will be real life. Just know I cherish your slices, and think of you even if I don't comment (and miss your comments too).

  4. I agree that it's certainly overwhelming! (Although I didn't blog last year, I have done the Tuesday slices since the summer and that's way more manageable!) I've been trying to read all the people who I've built Tuesday relationships with, plus my commenters, and then a few extra if I have time -- but even that's hard! I always enjoy your slices and your comments! :-)

  5. I have to admit that I felt rather sad when I discovered that I will miss out on some great writing because there are so many slicers and still the same 24 hours a day as last year. The difference you speak about is not necessarily bad. You have made some new friends and collected new inspiration. You have written many many good poems, gained new readers, and left tons of encouraging comments. Feel good.
    A Wednesday hug for you,

  6. Wow, I know!

    This is my first dive into the pool, and it's overwhelming. I hope to create a circle of writers from this experience, those that I can continue to connect with over the upcoming year. It's hard, though.

    I wonder how the Tuesday slices will turn out - how many people will decide to hang out all year.

  7. Michelle, I know how you feel... sometimes when I steal a few minutes at work I'm so torn with I should be doing this . . . doing that . . . and everything in between. But like someone told me (haha) do the best you can and that's just what I'm doing!

  8. This is my third year, and it seems that every year is different. It's always interesting to grow and discover because of the turns the challenge can take and how it means something slightly different each year. I liked your balance of highlighting different, not necessarily worse.

  9. This is my first year, and at times I am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of interesting slices that I would like to read. I also try to catch a few at night, maybe some at lunch or make a comment or two in the morning. I am not always successful. One thing that has helped me, is to start extra slices on days that I have more time! Thanks for your comments on my writing!

  10. I know what you mean. I want everyone who puts forth the effort to get some feedback, but it is impossible to hit them all. I hate to say it, I am wearing down. I do the best I can, and you do too. We will make it and so many will be joining us.

  11. This is my first year, and I am shocked that I've been able to write for 21 days. Last week I was on March Break, so I tried to comment on others' blogs as much as possible. This week I'm feeling very guilty for just getting my blog up and not having much time to comment on others. I hope to make up for it on the weekend.

  12. Like the rest, the number of slicers is astounding. I'm just not getting to everyone I want to. I keep trying to read as many as I can, but it's tough. I love all the new slicers I am finding though. My Google reader is filling up!


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