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solsc.2012: what now? 31/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

End of the challenge --
What to do now?!?

Go back again and again --
look at all that you wrote.

Go back again and again --
read in delight what you created.

Go back again and again --
digest the comments and insights.

Reflect and celebrate --
you WILL be amazed!

For you are known as
 a creator, a list maker, a slicer.

For you are known as
a wordsmith, a poet, a story teller.

For you are known as
a writer.

And writers have this habit
that only writers do --

Write.  Every.  Day.
Even if it is just for you.

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  1. Thank you, Michelle, for your encouragement and challenge. This has been a great month of bringing out some creativity that I didn't know I had. Will I continue writing "every day", probably not, but I will try the Tuesday slices. Will look forward to your next slice. Love ya M

  2. Love that you name yourself as a writer - that is one of the best gifts I have received in this challenge - really believing I am a writer

  3. Perfect. Because isn't that exactly how we felt last year when we finished? Read you one Tuesday!

  4. Let's celebrate! And write on. I am so glad we have been on this journey together. Thank you for your positive thought filled poems and caring comments.


  5. Thanks Michelle for encouraging me to do the challenge this month. It has been an amazing adventure for sure. the new haircut! See you in a couple of days..that's good right?:-)

  6. You are known . . . those are powerful words, because you are known as a poet extraordinaire. I know that I will be brought into your world through a repetitive phrase that is in my life, but never discovered. Then with your words I can say, yup me too. You are an inspiration!

  7. Love this, Michelle! Especially this,
    Write. Every. Day.
    Even if it is just for you.

    Awesome. Have enjoyed getting to know you through your writing!

  8. Thanks for the nudge to try this - I really thought I would run out of ideas, but writing is just talking on paper (or on a blog), and everyone knows how I love to talk.

    You are the best! :)

  9. Michelle, this is fabulous. I got goosebumps. Thank you!

  10. That was awesome to read! WOW!

  11. A perfect way to end this month of slicing. See you Tuesday?

  12. Your poem lifts me up today! And it's such good advice. I'd been planning to go back and see what I might want to pull out to develop more. Thanks! It's been great this month growing our writing lives together! Keep writing! Hope to see you Tuesdays!

  13. Great poem! I'll have to go back and re-read some of my slices -- good idea! (Although mostly I hate reading what I've written...) See you on Tuesday! :-)

  14. I enjoyed what you said, as well as how you chose to say it (in a poem, changes in font size...). Enjoy your daily writing!

  15. Love your poem - and now I do feel like a writer. :) I'm off to reread my slices!

  16. What a great wrap up/invitation! It's been so fun to connect with you and your girls and your mom through your posts. See you Tuesday!

  17. Perfect! and I love your new picture I thought I had the wrong blog first :)enjoy those babies and see you on Tuesday's.

  18. I have absolutely loved reading all your posts, especially your poetry. This might be my favorite one of all - so incredibly inspirational. I do plan to reread, reflect, and continue writing! Thanks so much for being part of my writing community.

  19. This post is just right--for you and as your gift to the rest of the slicers. I want to harness your creative poetic energy!

  20. Michelle, thank you! What a lovely tribute to all of us. You give me such a smile every time I read your writing. It is so consistently positive & just plain good! You are a writer! There, now I've said it to you! Thanks for all the support to me too. I'm looking forward to poetry month & seeing you on Tuesdays, if not more other days!

  21. I had a feeling that you 'd think of some way too wrap up that was awesome...and I was right! Keep writing, are born to write!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. What a great charge, Michelle!

  24. I love this final SOLS! Speaks to the soul, affirms the writer, challenges us to more. Thanks for slicing!


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