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solsc.2012: just write 16/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

Writing each day
playing with words
trying a touch of craft
penning poetry
telling stories --
just a slice.

Day 15 arrived
almost half way
fingers tapped
what to say --
what to write.

Lots to express
plenty to compose
full notebook 
scribbles and quotes
nothing grasping --
to say, "Write me!"

Started one
different posts
nothing --
grabbed hold.

"Just write."
I said,
just write
what to write -- 
just write.

Thank you for all the comments, thoughts, reflections on my 'some days' poem yesterday.  I truly struggled.  Call it a writer's block or a fight for words, but I continued to just write and those poems emerged.  How does that happen?  Determination -- dedication -- devotion to just write.  I wasn't thrilled with the finished product (we are our own biggest critic), but I was done. Something was written.  And you lifted me up.  
Thank you!

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  1. "Nothing grabbed hold" - that's so true when teachers try to make kids write about a specific topic or read a book that's in their level but they have no interest in it.
    We're all living their struggles with this challenge!

  2. Are you kidding? Nothing??? Each day I am amazed at what you have to say. And if this is nothing...I'm in trouble :-)

  3. Wow, I am floored that you weren't thrilled with your post yesterday. I thought it was beautiful. Keep it up, this is awesome.

  4. Your "nothingness" is absolutely wonderful. You have such a way with words even if you don't have anything to say. It's a state of mind and you are your own biggest critic. Keep writing and sharing - Dad & I are thrilled to have you as our daughter and to be a part of your writing life! Love ya M

  5. I always feel like I'm getting a big, giant present that I don't deserve when you write poetry. It is a treat. I like this one...and I love that you are facing what writers the world over face -- having nothing to write, but doing it anyway.

  6. Thanks for your honesty and your poetry - for putting into words and poems what others are thinking.

  7. I appreciate that you added your comment to the poem. You certainly make the poem writing seem effortless.

  8. Such great stuff comes from you when you "just write." Your poems always hit the spot with just the right words. I truly don't know how you think that way or produce it. Amazing you!

  9. I was in this place today. I just really didn't have anything I was ready to say to the world. I did just what you suggest, I decided to "just write." I'm not very excited about the outcome, but I managed to get something down. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I guess we'll all wrestle together with the uncertainty.


  10. I,too, was in the same space. Is this how our kiddos feel when they write every day??? Thanks for the poem!!!

  11. I love the idea of "just write". Each day I manage to do that, I know I've grown a little as a writer, so I count it as a win. But you said it far more eloquently than me. :)

  12. Nothing always seems to turn into something. I'm feeling your thoughts.

  13. You are an expert crafter of poetry. I like the line "nothing grabs hold." I am understanding more and more that a topic to write about is not enough to create a slice.

  14. Ooooh - I love your poem and even what you wrote in your post "you lift me up" it's just a beautiful sentiment! My favorite line - "penning poetry." O.K., actually too hard to say which is favorite. I have to go back now and read yesterdays poem. Got to jump in shower - now I'm going to look forward to that being my first slice to read tonight! Have a great day!

  15. Michelle, I haven't gotten to your latest posts. Both these last two poems are so wonderful. They truly seem to be coming from the heart & your motivation to write. Thanks for your inspiration!

  16. Michelle, Just going through and trying to catch so many of your posts that I somehow missed. What a poet! This is wonderful.


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