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solsc.2012: a day of seasons 3/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

"Spring is here," 
I surprisingly thought 
in the morning as
I walked into school,
squinting at the bright sunshine
in the clear blue sky,
I slowly inhaled
the warm breeze
mesmerized by the
delightful sounds
of the playful birds.
Spring had arrived.

"Winter is back?" 
I questioned 
in the afternoon as
I dashed out of school
eyeing the dark clouds
pushing their way east
in the bleak gray sky
as bits of chilled
plopped on my head.
Winter never left.

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  1. The struggle between winter and spring will go on for awhile. But we all know that spring will win. The second verse of the poem looks like a flower. Intentional?

  2. I love the contrast between the morning and afternoon. This is now a mentor text for my Pinterest (thanks for that idea). Oh winter, go away!

  3. Sounds like you are having the same weather as we are! I was so envious of you as I read your first stanza. I'm looking for any sign of spring I can find. The 2nd best thing about March is that even if winter shows up, he never stays around very long.

  4. We are having the same kind of weather up north in Ontario, Canada. A week ago it was 'shoes' weather, and a couple of snowstorms fixed that and we're back to boots. I agree that the second stanza looks like a flower - so fitting, as if there is a flower in the shadows of the winter weather.

  5. This winter seems to be full of days like this - one day the crocuses are in bloom and the next day you're all bundled up again. But it's Spring must be around the corner for real, any day now.

  6. Love your poem and oh so true about the weather. Ours was the same yesterday, no raindrops, just windy and cold. I'm so ready for spring.

  7. Love this! I love the contrast, and the way you shaped the stanzas. We are in the same place in Colorado- yesterday we had snow in the morning, then balmy and sunny and melting when the kids were at lunch recess, then a mini-blizzard when I was driving home from work! That truly is springtime in the Rockies though!

  8. Love how you wrote the word raindrops! Neat-o!
    When I left work there were big, huge, fluffy s
    Winter wants to stay. (Sigh!)

  9. I'm definitely jealous. You write beautiful poetry. You inspire me to push myself and try some in future posts. Like Elsie said, I love the contrast between the morning and afternoon and how it parrallels the contrast of winter and spring ~ makes your writing powerful. :)

  10. I love the way you made "raindrops" fall! We had just the same kind of day yesterday: beautiful and springy in the morning, to giant windy black thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. Now today it's freezing cold!

  11. How many times have I walked into a building knowing how beautiful it was outside, only to leave in the afternoon to gloomy weather again?

    Your poem captures that idea wonderfully. Such a talent you have!

  12. Michelle,
    What a delightful poem! I love the way it begins with the hope of spring, but winter keeps interrupting. So true. Like you, I've heard the birds chirping in the morning. Beautiful!


  13. Love how you play with white space in your poems. I have to admit, it has felt like spring in Michigan for a while. We hardly had a winter. So strange this year. Hey, you just gave me an idea for a slice! :)

  14. I love your poem! It is perfectly captures our "winter" here this year too. My kindergartners are having a hard time grasping the idea of seasons and winter. We've talked bout animals hibernating and birds flying south. The kids say " But Ms. Kessler you said that the animals hibernate I saw a (insert hibernating animal) yesterday in the park". They've seen winter before but that was a year ago and when your 5


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