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solsc.2012: could-should-would 4/31

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Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

During my almost-two-year-old-twin daughters nap,

I could have . . . 
     opened up my school bag,
          reviewed the state testing manual,
               or started reading The Reading Teacher that arrived today.

I should have . . . 
     started a load (of many loads) of laundry,
          cleaned a bathroom or two,
               or unloaded the dishwasher only to have to fill it back up again.

I would have . . . 
     skimmed, scanned and read the slices from day three,
          checked Twitter, email, and my Google Reader,
              or finished reading the book Wonder.

But instead, I . . .
     chatted with my mom on the phone about the week,
          snuggled under an afghan with the cat curled on my lap,
               and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep for a much needed nap . . .

. . . only to be awoken an hour and a half later by talking and giggling on the monitor.

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  1. Read your post and thought what a nice reminder to take some time for ourselves in this busy world.

  2. I had to read your post because of your title. My blog is called
    would could should :)

    Your post reads like a poem. What a nice way to stay refreshed and ready to greet the giggles of your daughters when they awoke from a nap.

  3. Another great structure for a poem I may have to borrow for a future post. I'g glad you took the opportunity to chat, snuggle,and rest. We don't do that often enough.

  4. Michelle,
    If you stopped by Katie DiCesare's post, you know that she wished for a nap yesterday. It's nice to take advantage of those times to rest and relax. I'm sure your mom is glad you made the choice you did. I sat here yesterday reading slices instead of cleaning bathrooms or doing laundry. I think I'm going to have to get something done today.

  5. Hurray for naps!
    I need to borrow Elsie's first sentence from her comment.

  6. Two year old twins - I think a nap is absolutely what you needed!

  7. Michelle -
    Reading the state testing manual should never be on your "should" list. (I left mine at school - you know I'd forget it at home!)

    Glad you made time for mom and yourself. School bag be damned! :)

  8. Oh my gosh Michelle . . . this was almost the mani or pedi I was talking about that day after our meeting! Good for you a million times!!!!

  9. As I've told you in the past, we all need time for ourselves. Glad I could be include in your "me" time. Housework, laundry and everything else will always be there, but time spent doing "me" things seems to disappear. Enjoy those moments & our girls! Love ya M

  10. I watched the video that wakeupand write posted this morning for her slice. Your poem reminded me of something that Brene Brown emphasized in her presentation...we first have to nourish ourselves before we can nourish others. I'm glad you took the time to forget all the coulda, shoulda, wouldas and nourished yourself! Love the poem!

  11. I say you made the right choice. I've got a pile of marking to do and oodles of housework, but I sat reading slices today and I'm not sorry. Enjoy those giggling girls. It's SUNDAY!

  12. what a wonderful sound to wake up to. Laundry and all the other "stuff" can and will wait.

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  13. I love the way that you structured this slice. It all built really nicely, and the first and final lines framed the rest so well. I especially loved the talking and giggling that you heard as you woke up from your nap!

  14. With could and should take the nap! Naps are the best.

  15. Taking that hour and a half will help you do all that other stuff later. At least that is what I always tell myself when my hour and a half turns into four hours of laziness - haha. I enjoyed your post!


  16. I'm impressed you had a little nap. Well deserved, I'm sure. I think you hit on what a lot of us often feel. The coulda, shoulda, woulda, but really did the insteada...I can totally relate. Loved your post!

  17. Oh Michelle, I could totally relate to your post. All of your could have/should haves sound great...but you can't beat time with mom and a nap. At least you woke up to the wonderful sound of your happy girls. Love it!

  18. I had a bunch of could, would, shoulds today. I didn't take a nap, but that would have been smarter, because then I wouldn't have ended up spinning my wheels all day! Hope you are rested and enjoying those girls on Sunday night!


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