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sols: what to write

Slice of Life hosted at the 

During the summer months, it would seem life would slow down and I would be tapping the keyboard for some inspiration.

Not true.

Life in the summer with active three year olds, and as a teacher that never wants to stop learning and reading, is FULL of stories.

So, for this slice, I could write . . .

*about the frustrating "nap time" that ended in no nap (and a bit of destruction in the bedroom when I left them for quiet time) yesterday with my three year old daughters.

*a letter to my girls about how much I love and adore them even when I'm angry or frustrated. (And then I read THIS and I am enough.)

*about learning how to balance being a mom and trying to still take care of ME

*about how I spend my time throughout the day and wonder how I can re-prioritize time first for God and myself.  (Thanks Pastor Tyler for the suggestion to just break the snooze button and just get up!)

*about learning from my three year olds on how to pick books at the library (perhaps a #NerdyBookClub post?!?)

*about not feeling ready to return to school yet, but I'll be ready when I need to be.

*about how I'm so far behind on my summer to-do list: still need to organize my school bins, photographs, delete emails.  Oh, and start that diet and exercising.

*about all the learning I'm trying to do with professional book reading and the somewhat addicting Twitter.  I took a break from Twitter during the March Slice of Life Challenge (can't do it all), but I am back to the learning and sharing this summer.

*about how I still need to finish reading the final #cyberPD reflections about the book Who Owns the Learning: Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age by Alan November, write a post about the #TeachersConnect idea, and carefully select picture books for the annual #pb10for10.

*about my new room set up.  (Oh, this reminds me I need to print the Staples rewards and shop!)

*about how much easier it is now that the girls are potty trained! (#celebrate!)

*about looking forward to serving as a school staff at Feed My Starving Children next week

So much to think about -- so much to write.
My life is full of SToRY . . . Just too little time.
Today I've sliced and captured some moments.
For right now, it's time to be a mom.


  1. Just want to say I have learned so much from you on twitter this summer. What a vibrant professional you are! That you share, post and discuss so many thoughtful ideas while running with the three year olds amazes me. So I am not surprised by your list of writing topics. It is always worthwhile pause, reflect and to prioritize to maintain essential balances, too.

  2. Diet and exercise? Pshaw... :) I love how you take all the topics you could slice about and turn them into a slice! Talented writer, you are!

  3. I'm with Kim - you are amazing!

  4. This is a great list! I have had that diet and exercise plan all summer too. I'll get to it soon. It sounds like you have your hands full with your daughters. That is such a wonderful problem to have :) I think it sounds like the library idea would be a great #nerdybookclub post. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  5. I think we have just seen the snippets in your writing journal. You would think you don't need to diet when you spread yourself so thin in trying to do so much (if only it were that easy!). I can see we have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks of slices. Love ya, M

  6. You have a very rich life and really are a person who sets goals. Feed my Starving children sounds like so much fun and will build team with your staff. I want to hear about that and also how you are not going to hit snooze. I am really trying to continue to journal my prayers every day. I need to make a list also and want to make a notebook to carry with me always for ideas. Ahhh....the diet and exercise, it is always there:) xo

  7. What a full life you live! I love these quick snippets of what's happening in your world.

  8. Wow, you are doing a lot, and finding time to take care of yourself in the midst of active three year olds.

  9. Wow - you're kind of exhausting me. Ha. You've got a lot going on, but it sounds like you're trying to balance it by realizing you can't do it all. It's awfully hard not to hit that snooze button! ;-)

  10. I checked out the post about being enough. It was great. I may have to share it on FB. Thanks for sharing these snippets from your busy life. Deleting emails, that's on my summer to-do list along with diet and exercise. So glad you sliced quickly and headed off to be a mom! This is a precious time.

  11. Your post makes me smile because I remember those crazy, hectic times of being a mom of young children. I wish I could say that as they grow up, time will open up for you. Life does slow down a bit, but it seems like there is always something (especially that diet and exercise thing) to fill in the time. Good luck with the beginning of the school year. I'm half way through Who Owns the Learning (didn't participate because I was in Turkey). One of my goals is to finish reading and look at all the blog posts before school starts. We'll see how much I get done. :)

  12. Wishing you energy and inspiration for the start of the school soon. Meanwhile, breathe and have fun. You live a full life.

  13. I have been trying to post a comment but my i-pad won't let me for some reason but finally, here I am and I love this slice! You have really painted a great picture of life at your house. And I am with you, not really ready to return to work and yet, the calendar says it is almost time. Enjoy those 3-year-olds and congrats on the potty training.

  14. Your slice is your "Pre-writing" right? It's all seeing your thinking in your post...try to enjoy your time with the girls, my friend Anna says, "There are no do-overs on raising your kids!"

    1. #prewriting Like Donalyn and Katsok mentioned! :)

  15. I am really enjoying your blog!

    It's like opening up another window! A sweet breeze with more wonderful things about you!


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