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sols: this is ralph

Slice of Life Stories hosted

I'm feeling a bit like Ralph.
I want to lay on the floor and look for a story.
I wish I could do anything else right now but write.
I need my students to understood that I feel this way too sometimes.
Just like Ralph.  Just like them.

Oh! What? I'm sorry. You don't know who Ralph is? Well, you have to meet him!  

I heard about Ralph on Twitter and Goodreads.  I knew he was out there, but we never really connected.

I was formally introduced to Ralph by Stacey at the Two Writing Teachers blog.  I learned about Ralph's story with some help from Abby.  There was even a little Ralph giveaway, but I didn't win Ralph.

Then Betsy mentioned Ralph on her Teaching Young Writers blog.  I knew I had to get a hold of Ralph.

I continued to check my local library day after day to see if Ralph was visiting, but he never showed up!


I finally clicked the link on my library's website suggesting a purchase and I requested:

Ralph Tells a Story by Abby Hanlon

Within a week, I met Ralph.  And Ralph had me at:

"My teacher always said, 
'Stories are everywhere!'  
And the kids in my class were always finding them.  
But every day at writing time, 
I thought really hard.  
I stared at my paper.  
I stared at the ceiling.  
I could not write a story."

The story of trying (and trying) to write a story is shared to perfection. We all know a Ralph.  Hey, we all have a little "Ralph" in us.  The combination of Ralph's story and the illustrations:  a MUST have addition to your library and a perfect mentor text for any writer!

I was SO excited to share Ralph with a couple colleagues yesterday.  I am thrilled to share Ralph with YOU today.  But I just CAN'T WAIT to share Ralph with my students!

C'mon Ralph!  Let's go tell more stories!


Want even more good news?!? Ralph Tells a Story by Abby Hanlon is now $5.00 on Amazon!  What are you waiting for?!?  Go get Ralph and invite him into your classroom and library . . . now!


  1. Love this - I want to meet Ralph too. He has many like-minded friends in my classroom. Just ordered, thanks!

  2. Such a deal! I need to bring Ralph with me as I work with teachers and kids. Thanks for finding the deal!

  3. You'll have to bring Ralph with you next week - I'd enjoy meeting him. As you said, there's a Ralph in all of us. That mental block that comes with not knowing what to write and then not really "wanting" to write. Thanks for sharing. Love ya, M

  4. I just ordered Ralph, Michelle. I too saw those reviews, & know this was a book for many teachers & students. You've written this so enticingly. How can anyone resist!

  5. I'm glad you love Ralph has much as I do. He's an inspiration for us all!

  6. Sweet...even my sixth graders need to hear this!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing. The descriptions you wrote were great! Your writing makes me want to order it too!

  8. Ah Ralph! You are so right...everyone knows a Ralph and everyone has a little Ralph inside of them. After reading the interview with the author I immediately sent a message to my teaching buddy to check it out and then headed straight to the computer to order my very own copy. While I'm a little jealous that you purchased it for $5, the extra $3 I spent on my copy are well worth it. Glad you enjoyed Ralph as much as I did!

  9. Oh for sure we all have a little Ralph in us! Today although I finally posted, it just didn't feel like "normal"...I need to meet Ralph!

  10. I met Ralph last night. There were many Ralphs in one of my classes today who I think will appreciate meeting Ralph tomorrow during a read aloud.;)

  11. Getting him this weekend! Thanks for the reminder that we all do have a little Ralphie inside of us. xo

  12. I got my own personal (not a library borrow) on Friday. I think I hugged it for over a minute, then quickly wrote my name in it to make sure everyone knows it is mine! I love this character and the things that he has allowed me to do and expand in my classroom this year. What an amazing find, thank you Stacey! I wrote about Ralph again today, just a little.

  13. After reading your post and all the comments, I can't wait to meet Ralph. No library copy..hmmm...might just have to order this one!

  14. Only $5?! Think of all the things that will last a far shorter time for $5. I think Ralph is going to be finding his way into a lot of classrooms after this!

  15. I have been hearing about Ralph everywhere, but nobody has been quite so convincing as you in their introductions. I love the repetition of his name throughout your slice! I think Ralph will be coming home with me very soon. Wait. That doesn't sound right. I think he will be joining my classroom soon. That is better!

  16. Ha! Yes, there were a couple times I had to play with my phrasing and wording too! :)

  17. Woo hoo - many copies of Ralph Tells a Story arrived on my porch today! Squee!


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