Slice of Life Stories hosted by the Two Writing Teachers A glimpse into our life as the parents of 21 month old twins: a different kind of testing. Sunday morning we were rushing around the house, getting everyone ready to head out the door for church. It's a circus with the animals running wild. Grab the backpack. Put the snacks in. Slip on a shoe. "Where's M.'s other shoe?" I mumbled under my breath. P. walked over with it in her hand. "Thank you, P." Grab a coat. Put on a hat. Slip on the mittens. "M. Sit down. You don't stand up on the chair. Sit down!" Daddy sternly told her. I'm putting on my finishing touches from earrings to my jacket. Again, Daddy warned our little dare devil to sit down. She pushes and tests. Up on one leg. Squatting. Smiling. Looking right at him. "M.," Daddy calmly tries to say. "No. No. Off the chair if you can't sit the right way." Daddy whisked her o...
Reading. Writing. Reflecting. To be the best me I can be in the classroom ... and at home. ~ Thoughts and words by Michelle Nero