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Join in #cyberPD 2018!

It's the 8th Annual #cyberPD Summer Event!

Check out our #cyberPD Google+ Community to learn more!
We can't wait for YOU to join in the conversations!

I am always excited about new PD books that arrive into the world.  I usually pre-order like crazy because I want have to hold them in my hands. But time is limited during the school year between home and school. I immediately get excited when a book arrives and start reading any moment I can squeeze in some reading, but then sadly the book lies in a stack waiting. And those beautiful new books stack up with a bookmark holding the few pages that I was able to devour.

And then summer arrives, where I have a little more time to read and catch up with those old friends. (I still never read as much as I want ...) But every summer I love spending time with the #cyberPD community where we read, reflect, and share our thoughts around a shared book. This group of educators always pushes my thinking and I learn so much more through the social aspect of learning alongside many amazing and talented educators spanning the globe!

During the month of July, the selected PD book is discussed across three weeks. A schedule for reading and posting your thoughts will be shared in June. Participants read and discuss a different section of the book by sharing your thoughts each week around specific chapters with a reflection in the Google Community -- through a blog post, a Google+ comment, and/or on Twitter (#cyberPD). Then the last week of July, we will host a final Twitter chat. We encourage you to respond and comment on at least 3 other participants reflections. 

Stay connected and find out more specific details via Twitter (#cyberPD) and our #cyberPD Google+ Community.

Are you ready to join in? 
Jump in and let's learn together! 
1.  Join the #cyberPD Google+ community. 
2. Share a photo, image, or list of your PD book stack that you hope to tackle this summer in the "Share Your Book Stack" section in the #cyberPD Google+ Community. We will be checking out book stacks from MAY 16 - 30, 2018. 
3. One PD book will be selected for our #cyberPD conversation and announced on JUNE 2! Fingers crossed it is in your book stack ... if not, order it ASAP!

Here's a starting list of some of the books I hope to read and tackle this summer. Yes, I have already accepted that I will not be able to read them all ... and this list always grows as I see more and more #cyberPD book stacks!

If you have any questions, please contact:
Cathy Mere on her blog or on Twitter (@CathyMere )
Michelle Nero by leaving a comment below or on Twitter (@litlearningzone)

Past #cyberPD titles include:


  1. We have a few of the same books on our list for the summer. I've already purchased Kids First from Day 1, It's All About the Books and Literacy Coaching. Can you tell me a bit more about the "Heart" title? You know, I think sharing book stacks is just dangerous. I know I'm about to buy more books.

    Looking forward to the upcoming conversation and collaboration.

  2. Looking forward to joining this view. #newbie

    1. Welcome, Holly! You will so love this community! Be sure to join in the #cyberPD Google+ community. The conversations is where all the good stuff happens! Let me know if you have any questions along the way!

  3. I'm so looking forward to #cyberPD, as always. And to creating my book stack--always half the fun!

  4. Awesome, Elisabeth! Thrilled to be joining you on another adventure!! Can’t wait to check out your stack of books!


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