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soLs: a little inspiration

Slice of Life Stories hosted

inspire |inˈspÄ«r|verb [ trans. ]fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative :           [ trans. his passion for romantic literature inspired him to begin writing [as adj. ( inspiring) so far, the scenery is not very inspiring. See note at encourage .

I love finding inspiration. And sometimes inspiration finds me.  It is all around us, yet we have to be ready and available to see it. To feel it. To be it.

There are so many mothers, teachers, writers, readers that inspire.

Each day I look for the joy of motherhood as I read Rachel Martin's words on her finding joy blog.  She continually reminds me that motherhood is hard, but there are so many joys to notice in each day.  All gifts from God.  (My "parenting" pinterest board is filled with many of Rachel's posts.  Such an inspiration.)

I'm borrowing a little writing inspiration from her today.

today: a deep-breath-kind-of-day, hoping my little ones stay healthy and happy
want to be: the best i can possibly be for myself and for anyone that I'm some how, some way connected to (yes, that includes you)
blessings: overflowing in my life - family, teaching, health, all the while growing closer to Christ and noticing more and more blessings
thinking: i'll never get caught up on my to-do list, but i've accepted that defeat
planning: what tomorrow brings if a fever returns and a get-away in the near future
writing: snippets here and snippets there
loving: my husband and my two angels and a dark chocolate treat that can make it all better (at least for the moment)
grateful: for the reminder that God is on my side through all seasons of life
today {again}: thankful for another day to be inspired


  1. This is a great post. And I haven't seen this blog, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to check it out. What a great way to step back and notice all the little important things in our lives....

  2. "Sometimes inspiration finds me." - I like that perspective. Thank you for being generous and sharing your inspiration for this post.

  3. Inspiration is all around us...we just have to be open to it and let it in... And yes, we all need to appreciate and be grateful for what we have and not worry so much about what we don't have...thanks for sharing...

  4. My favorite line - made me smile
    "today {again}: thankful for another day to be inspired"

  5. Wonderfully inspiring slice - thanks for sharing your thoughts. Family and chocolate - yes they do go together! Each day is a blessing and it all depends on how we look at them and the closer we get to God, the more blessings that we take time to notice. Love ya M

  6. I loved your post! Today I am thankful for you. You have inspired me to write. Not only did I write... I ate chocolate too.

  7. Now I just might need some chocolate....but first, thanks for reminding me that everyday starts fresh with new inspiration! Like a never ending gift...

  8. You so often give us a new perspective, Michelle, inspiration, & this is a slightly different form but so supportive of allowing one to 'be'. Thank you.

  9. Thanks for reminding me to count my blessings!

  10. What a wonderful reminder to stop adn acknowledge what we have at the moment. Your perspective and awareness of your gifts is inspiring.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. neat format! I like the way it makes you think about your day in so many different ways. It's so important to slow down and find the inspiring things all around us!

  13. I feel inspired to think of what I am grateful for. No chocolate though :)

  14. want to be: the best i can possibly be for myself and for anyone that I'm some how, some way connected to (yes, that includes you)
    Just love this...exactly what I wish to hold on to every day. Thanks, Michelle!

  15. Michelle,
    I am just getting around to having time to read more of last week's slices! Thanks for this inspiration! I needed something like this today.
    You are always there at just the right moment.


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