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Showing posts from January, 2017

{my one little word} #sol17

Slice of Life is  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers Join in and share a slice of your life.  _____________________________________________________ Telling my story about my one little word has been easy to do in the past.  I mean, words have reached out and easily identified themselves as the one.  My focus, mission, living and breathing word for the year was right there. This year has not been the same. I thought I found my word.  I wrote all about it in my journal. Days later I questioned it. My thinking grew and changed. I questioned and contemplated. Then another word came to me days later while I was driving ho...

{one little goal} #sol17

Slice of Life is  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers Join in and share a slice of your life.  _____________________________________________________ My twin six year old daughters know about "one little words." Last year, I was on a mission to live out happy. Happy this and happy that and just the word happy was plastered wherever I could possibly remind myself of my one little word.  Even the wallpaper on my phone. (Notice my one little word from 2016 to the right. -->) Last week when the girls returned to school, I was happy to hear that as I was contemplating my one little word for the year, they were also thinking about a goal fo...

{Sigh.} #sol17

Slice of Life is  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers Join in and share a slice of your life.  _____________________________________________________ I don't even know where to begin ... as I stare at the daunting white space and the blink-blink-blinking curser.   {Sigh.} Weeks have passed. Life has taken over. I'm sitting somewhere between busy and exhausted. I haven't been writing, or even thinking about writing.  Even though writing has brought me so much joy over the last six years. Last week I received an email from Carol, just check...