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{I am} 1/31 #sol17


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

I am ...
                        a child of God, a grateful daughter writing alongside my mom, a loving wife, a hard 
                   working mother of six year old twins, a supportive friend, a caring teacher of amazing 
                    readers, writers, and thinkers.

I am ...
                      a mostly picture book reader, a writer-of-sorts, a jewelry collector, a fresh flower lover, 
                   an always organizing lunatic, an over-thinker of thoughts, and a serious dark chocoholic.

I am ...
                      an addicted Twitter user, an expert Pinterest pinner, an Instagram stalker, a part-time 
                   blogger, a Goodreads sharer, a Voxer (mnero1754) connector, but not yet 
                   FaceBook consumer.

I am ...
                        here with you writing every day this March -- we CAN do it -- for the challenge and
                   this amazing community. Seven years strong and you keep pushing me. You all ROCK!

I am ...
                        for the first time ever riding the 'Welcome Wagon' ready to encourage and support 
                   new slicers. I remember my first year and every year since. Comments matter.

I am ...
                         balancing my busy life, but come March, I reorganize, prioritize and jeopardize because 
                    writing comes first, then reading slices and commenting. Later books, Twitter, Pinterest ...

I am ...

 I welcome you to my little corner of the world and 
look forward to this month-long journey.


  1. Looking forward to writing and sharing with you again each day this month. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Love ya bunches, Mom

  2. I love this format, Michelle! I may borrow it today for my opening slice. Your blog is always one of my very favorites to visit each day during March. I always find inspiration in your structures and your voice. I have not been writing or blogging much, and I find it very daunting to envision doing this every day for 31 days. But I am comforted by your words here about reorganizing for this month and making space for that priority.

  3. It is so good to be back and to read your inspiring writing again! I also find this so true: "I reorganize, prioritize and jeopardize because writing comes first." This is so true - challenging but so rewarding. As always, I hope I can do this daily. Thank you for the encouragement and the reminder of its importance!

  4. I have been thinking about your twins. They are as old as Mimm was when we joined the SOL community. Six is an amazing, inspiring and fun age. I so hope that some of the slices will be about your girls. Even though we have known each other in blogsphere and other virtual places for some time it is still exciting to read your introduction.

  5. I love hearing all about who you are. Lucky first time slicers to have you rallying behind them each day! You always leave me the best comments! Like Terje, I love hearing about your girls. My twins are now 14 and I love revisiting this younger age through you.

  6. This is like a reunion of old friends, we've been on this journey together. Your writing is always a treat to read.

  7. So excited to read your post. It's a delightful format. I can't believe your twins are six. Love these words: "...come March, I reorganize, prioritize and jeopardize..."

  8. I love this post Michelle! I think so many of us can relate to your comment about slicing in March...we reorganize, re-prioritize, and make this writing challenge work for us. I also love the little snippets of who you are...very nice! Here's to a great month of story!

  9. Welcome back! It's good of you to join the Welcome Wagon. I just couldn't level up to that this year. I'm trying to visit at least 10 a day though. :)

  10. I love this format! Great one to pass along to my students who might be feeling stuck.

    (Also, Instagram stalker? Does that mean you don't post your own pictures? ;) )

  11. I love this style of introducing yourself. And by the way, you are the perfect Welcome Wagon hostess. Your comments are always fun and thoughtful. You'll inspire many to keep writing.

  12. I love the structure of this slice! I think we may be two of the few who are NOT on Facebook! It is nice to know that I am not alone. :) Happy writing!

  13. I was so happy to see familiar faces as I scrolled through the posts! I would have thought you were on the Welcome Wagon last year, you were so welcoming to me as I started. Looking forward to reading your posts this month!

  14. Loved learning more about you. This is definitely a blog that I could have my kids read as a mentor piece for their own writing.

  15. A perfect slice of your life...
    ...and I love how you started with "I am a child of God."

  16. Ha! I share your excitement as evidenced in your affirmations.
    Looking forward to reading your posts this March!


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