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{a perfect day} 18/31 #sol17

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

It was the perfect day.

After a full night's sleep, I woke up rested, stretched, ready for the new day. Time for just me in the quiet before the girls rise: prayers, exercise, reading, and writing.

The morning routine was in action with quiet, loving reminders. Smooth transitions from making breakfast, lunches-to-go, and catching the bus with only kind and helpful words.

"Love you Mom! Thanks for lunch! Have a great day! Happy reading with your kids!

A calm drive to school, walking in with only one bag, a smile, and a diet Coke. Greeting teachers and students in the hallway, sharing thoughts about the books read last night and swapping high fives and books too.

Meeting with small groups of students, celebrating little goals as we continue to progress as readers, writers, and thinkers. All day long book talking, thinking, laughing, and quiet time as we are surrounded by books.

Closing the day with time to refect, connecting with my teammate, and preparing for another amazing day tomorrow.

With plenty of daylight left, I leave to pick up the girls, meet Daddy at home, and head out for a walk to the neighborhood park. Enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.

We return home to make dinner together while squeezing in moments to dance and be silly together. Enjoy a delicious dinner sharing our highs and lows from the day. Time to relax and just be.

Daily chores of life begin: homework, dishes, little pile of laundry, papers, and cleaning up. Of course, the perfect ending to a perfect day: bedtime stories, snuggles, kisses goodnight.

Final hours of the day spent side-by-side with Jon. Talking, laughing, catching up, planning the future together. Maybe another book and a scribble in my notebook.

Prayers said. Thankful heart. Deep breaths. And eyes closed. 

Until tomorrow's perfect day.


Author's note: Nothing is perfect in this world. I participated on my district's principal interview team. One of the questions I had the pleasure to ask candidates was "Describe your perfect day." Oh, the looks and laughs I received: "That is a great question."

So, I decided to answer that question myself. Pieces of this day happen daily with and without the imperfections.


  1. This is a fun slice that focuses on what positive things are happening in your life. Thanks for the slice.

  2. It sounds like a good day to me! Full of life and happiness. It's nice to know that even real life can be wonderful sometimes.

  3. Yay, for a perfect day. Sounds delightful and I love that question! I think it shows a lot of insight into a person and how they define "perfect."

  4. This was such an uplifting post to read. How important it is to relish the beauty of each moment of each day.

  5. If a fraction of your description was reality, it would be a perfect day. Even with bumps in the day, most days are close to perfect.

  6. What a wonderful day you had! I am enjoying it vicariously! Love that you bookended it with family time.

  7. A day is as perfect as we made it. Sometimes it's all about attitude. Everything you mentioned would by itself make for a perfect day so even having two or more happen in one day would be a sheer delight.

  8. Doesn't hurt to dream and know what you want to happen in your day. No matter what really happens each day, there are many things that happen to make it perfect! Enjoy each moment. Love ya, Mom

  9. It's the nicest post to end my day with, Michelle. I think it's a good question for your interviews, too, hoping that the answers were satisfying, too.

  10. I love that you asked this questions to others, yet you weren't afraid to take on the challenge of answering yourself. Your day did sound fun, relaxing, and ultimately...perfect. Thank you for sharing!

  11. I read this, thinking all the way through, I want a day like this!

  12. So honest and reflective for you to answer that question yourself. I can tell you're a great member of any selection team!

  13. Heart-filling days!
    So enJOYed reading through your day of blessings.
    Loved your comment at the end. "Pieces of this day happen daily with and without the imperfections."

  14. I love that the perfect day is filled with all the regular daily stuff. That's what I find perfect too. I liked hearing about the inspiration for this idea. That would be a tough interview question!

  15. I think your perfect day had lots to do with the way you framed it! I need to practice more gratitude and less nit picking.
    P.S. Hope the leader search goes well! XOXO


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