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{rumble} 2/31 #sol17


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

We have had our share of strange weather over the course of the last month. Usually there is snow on the ground here in northern Illinois and we are waiting impatiently for it to just be gone.  But instead we have seen almost 70 degrees and early spring storms ... 


I remember as a child I was so scared of thunderstorms.


I counted how many miles away the storm was ... One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one thousand ...


In the middle of the night, hearing the lightning and thunder close together, I would bolt out of bed and silently run into my parents' bedroom. 


I would slip onto the floor on my mom's side of the bed, hide my face, squeeze my eyes tight, and cover my ears with my hands without waking anyone.

Rumble ...

Inevitably, my mom would wake up early in the morning and accidentally trip over my sleeping body. At some point, she encouraged me to find a safer spot at the foot of the bed.


Now I find myself enjoying the pounding raindrops, powerful bolts of zig-zagging lightning, and the low rumbles of thunder that linger.  


Now those sounds awake my sleepy daughter -- only one -- and she comes running into my bedroom with loud whispers in my ear, "Momma?"


Now she quickly hops into my bed and throws the blankets over her head fearing the next ....

Rumble ...

Now she is snuggled in tight.  "Stay right here with me. It's going to be okay."  

C a l m.

Now all is quiet.  Yet, I hold onto this opportunity to spend a moment with one of my growing-up-way-too-fast baby girls.

And I am reminded that I was once scared of thunderstorms too. 


The varying weather patterns continue ... it's March and the cold and snow flurries returned this morning! 


  1. Oh, yes, I remember those nights and I knew exactly when you made yourself comfy on the floor beside me. Just having you beside me, made the storm not as scary for either of us. Now, the calming sound of the pitter, patter of rain is inviting until the thunder rolls in and the lightening streaks across the sky, but knowing that God is with us makes the storms quiet. Love you, Mom

  2. The circle of life continues with your daughter. Those snuggling moments are the times to cherish, because yes, they do grow up too quickly. Great format!

  3. Interesting to experience these storms now as parent and source of the calm. Those welcome snuggles are precious. Enjoy them!

  4. I enjoyed reading the different perspectives of the same petson. Remembering your fear from childhood allows you to be deeply understanding. Iam still scared of thunder sometimes, instead of counting I watch a web page that shows where the lightening strikes.

  5. I really like how you shared this in two perspectives....

  6. We are experiencing the same thing here in Indiana. Crazy storms and wind to flurries this morning. I guess we can say that March is coming in like a lion for sure! I've never been a huge fan of storms, myself, so I related well to your post. :) Enjoy those snuggles whenever you can!

  7. I love the cyclical pattern of onomatopoeia - first with you as a child, and now with your daughter. So lovely. And yes, the spring storms in February and March have been crazy!

  8. Sweet memories from the past - and for the future too.

  9. You took the storm for a writing ride - beautifully done!

  10. We had those storms here in southern Indiana. I am petrified of wind so needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night either!

  11. I love how you've structured this Slice of Life. Beautiful!!

  12. Your girls remind you to enjoy the present and savor the past all at once. What a beautiful gift they are!

  13. Such a sweet slice! Your girlie knows where to go for peace in the storm.

  14. A memory and a new moment so beautifully shared.

  15. Beautiful piece of writing, Michelle. I love the way you blend past and present.

  16. Crazy weather patterns seem to be everywhere. Here in Quito, we are having lots of cold days and hardly any sunny ones. Although this is the rainy season, we do have some really nice blue sky sunny days in between. Not this year! Good luck riding it out.


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