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{bedtime stories} 2/31 #sol16

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

"Time to head upstairs.  PJs on and let's brush teeth!" 

My very favorite time of the day is bedtime with the girls.  I hurry and hustle and bustle them along, so that we have plenty of time to settle into a bedtime story or two (or more like three).  Each girl picks out a book and then one usually snags a third.

"Mommy, this is one that you want to read. Right?" 

When the girls are completely ready for bed, we meet in my bedroom to snuggle in the big bed.  I'm in the middle, sandwiched between the two girls.  Heads resting close by, slowly slithering closer, they each nestle on my shoulder to get a closer look at every detail on the page, not wanting to miss anything.

"Wait. Can you turn the page back, Mommy?"

This is when life slows down.  There is no more rushing.  There are no interruptions of rings, beeps, or buzzes. There are only beautiful words shared and silent moments as we study each beautiful illustration.  Questions and wonders and predictions and laughter naturally occur in conversation.

"That one was my favorite."

"Mine too."


  1. What a wonderful time of day (or evening)! I like the way you interspersed the dialogue with the description. IT made me feel like I was eavesdropping.

  2. I love reading time with my grandkids. Now that some are older, I love when they sit and tell me the stories of their books. It's such a calming time...

  3. A great way to unwind from your busy lives. M & P will always remember those special times spent with you every night. Soon they will be reading those books to you. Think of all the dreams they must have about these books. Hugs to all. Love ya, Mom

  4. Your slice brought back great memories for me. I too had two girls and we would read together every night. Sweet time.

  5. Love this Michelle! I can almost feel the c a l m i n g . . . xoxo

  6. This was a beautiful retelling of a magical time. I love the bedtime snuggles and routines as well. Its sad to think that those moments will someday come to an end. It makes me savor each one now.

  7. Beautifully written piece, Michelle. Bedtime story comes with its own challenges here, but it's usually one of my favorite times of day too. Even when my son is really mad, he usually wants me to read to him. I love the way favorite stories become part of our family language.

  8. What a sweet way to end the day! Snuggling with mom in a cozy bed with a great story. Perfect way to slow the day and enjoy being.

  9. What a beautiful way to end the day, ......together. A lovely routine and tradition. A memory they will treasure.

  10. You have such a knack for imaginative structure, Michelle - just a lovely slice of your evening.

  11. You captured such a sweet, tender moment. I don't have kids yet, but I love reading to my niece and nephew and cousins when I visit. I love how you organized your piece with descriptions and quotes.
    My blog is

  12. Ahh.. bedtime stories. Such a blessed tradition in our home. My hope is that every family values this time together. You have captured my feelings so well and I love your format!

  13. Reading aloud is the one thing I miss the most about the classroom. I don't have children yet, but I think this is the thing that I am looking forward to the most. Thanks for bringing it to life for me.

  14. I love how you wrote this with your reflections on one side and the conversation on the other. Precious bedtime moments.

  15. Cherish every minute. They grow so fast! Your writing is so real in the moment that I can almost see the three of you reading together. So sweet!

  16. I love it! We have a similar routine here as well and those slow moments cuddled together are my favorites as well.

  17. I love it! We have a similar routine here as well and those slow moments cuddled together are my favorites as well.

  18. Michelle,
    This is still what I miss. What wonderful years we had reading stories together each night. I'm sure you will treasure these moments for years to come (as will your girls). I love that you are capturing them here. As always I love the structure of your writing. You find so many interesting ways to tell your story.


  19. I love the way your post brings back memories for me of my time with my daughter. We would read from her "basket of books" that she would fill. Your girls are at such a fun age. Enjoy & thanks for sharing!

  20. Gorgeous snapshot of your evening. Like Cathy, I really miss these moments.


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