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{one of those writing days} 26/31 #sol16

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

It's one of those writing days.  

I have been writing, like you, for almost twenty-six days straight.  For most of those day, I've written with minimal problems.  As a writer, I'm taking note of moments that may become stories.  Each day I think about a story I want to capture in my words and share.  I try to weave in a little word play and craft.  Time seems to be my only and biggest struggle.
But, it's one of those writing days.

There is so much I could and should write about today.  I could write about a full day of birthday parties, roller blading fun, an amazing Easter worship service, an egg-cellent Easter egg dying party, a delicious pre-birthday dinner celebration with family, and special momentous gifts.  But I'm tired and distracted and there is not one story that wants to be shared today.

Indeed, it's one of those writing days.

I'm always humbled when another writer takes note of a little piece I've written.  The comments, your comments, mean the very most to me.  But I'm always completely honored when a slice I've written allows another writer the opportunity of inspiration to write something fresh and new.  Today I was given that gift.  I believe this is one of the highest compliments - creating an inspiring mentor text.

Still, it's one of those writing days.

I usually write before scouring the long, never-ending list of slices.  Today I decided to read a few familiar friends' slices looking for a glimpse of inspiration or spark of a story to share or a mentor text to utilize.  I also browsed my Slice Of Life Story Challenge and Writing Inspiration Pinterest Boards in search for any sort of help, assistance, guidance, or inspiration today.  Instead, this was created.

It's one of those writing days.


  1. The muse does not always come when beckoned. The amazing thing about this month is that we sit down and we write anyway.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy, full, joy filled day with your family. I feel like I am having one of those writing months!

  3. There are always those writing days for every writer, but you have somehow created a slice out of not knowing what to write. Love ya, Mom

  4. Yep, one of THOSE days. I still have pieces I want to write, but the mojo is running thin. I check my inspiration document every morning and just feel blah these days. It's always interesting to me when I have a day full of moments that could be slices, yet nothing really calls out to be written. What's that all about? I learn so much from you about how repetition can be used to structure a piece. I feel like you are always finding creative ways to play with craft and always so intentional about and aware of craft. If I'm having one of those days, I tend to write a slice that reads more like a diary entry, like I've completely forgotten anything I've ever known about shaping and crafting. And thank you again for yesterday's inspiration!!

  5. You live a rich life. The day is filled with many memorable moments. It doesn't mean that finding words is always easy. To get in a flow of crafting we need even more uninterrupted time. You have an amazing writerly talent to write from heart to heart on any day.

  6. These are the days that make us grow as writers! :)


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