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{ugh 40} 29/31 #sol16

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

I've been dreading this birthday for over a year now.

When I say forty, an {ugh} comes before it. Why does a number bother me so?

It's just a number.  It does not tell a story, more specifically, my story.  It's merely a number holding my time here in this world.

Yet, I let it bother me. I hide from any thoughts of it.  Honestly, I don't really want to talk about it.

I tease my girls that I want them to stay five forever -- it's just such a perfect age to enjoy.

"Mommy, we can't! We have to be six and then seven and then eight! We can't stop growing!" So I'm told by a five year old.

My {ugh} forty comment came out recently with the girls.  The noise just escaped my lips.

"Mommy, I want you to be thirty-nine forever," P. sweetly repeated in her very grownup, serious voice to delight in my wishes.

"I know! Right?!?"

But I've decided -- like all the others who turned {ugh} 40 -- that it's ...

another new beginning
another decade to enjoy life
more time to make memories
more time to exercise and eat right
time to read and write more
time to learn more
to try more, and
just be a better me that I can be!

Positive thoughts even when turning 40 {sigh}.

Advice I need to remember ... 
So, cheers!  Here's to just another birthday and 40 things that make me hApPy today!  (In no particular order, just one thought leading to another!)

1.  My God
2.  My husband
3.  My beautiful daughters
4.  My Mom and Dad
5.  My brother and sister (in-law)
6.  Family
7.  Friends
8.  Real homemade meals
9.  Peach green tea ice tea
10. Time to write
11. Time to read
12. Positive commitments
13. My happy journal
14. Manicures & pedicures
15. Massages
16. Hair therapy
17. Sharing books
18. Bike rides
19. Fresh air
20. Sunshine!
21.  Teaching
22.  Bitmoji fun
23.  Vanilla Iced coffee
24.  Lunch with a friend
25.  HGTV
26.  My new home
27.  Buying books
28.  Pinterest
29.  Twitter
30.  Photo creation apps
31.  New dangly earrings
32.  My daughters' drawings
33.  My daughters' writings
34.  My daughters wanting to read to me
35.  A compliment
36.  Did I mention chocolate?
37.  Being organized
38.  A clean home
39.  My cat CJ
40.  40 years wiser {sigh}

My previous SOLSC birthday lists ...


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have the BEST decade ever! 40 means more focus on what makes YOU happy. *Throws confetti* :) :)

  2. I really love it that you have six birthday slices now that you can look back on! I was sad to leave my 30s behind too. I LOVED my 30s. But you have 40 wonderful reasons to love 40! As always, the craft of this piece teaches me so much. The balance of dialogue, reflection, action, the short lines, the lists. All techniques I'm constantly learning from you, Michelle.

  3. I love that you wrote "40 Things That Make Me Happy." What a great idea! For some reason, the number 40 was hard for me, too. But as my husband always tells me, "It beats the alternative." Maybe next year, when writing "41 Things That Make Me Happy," you could add, "another day to be alive." It helps me anyway. The 4 decade is great, by the way! Happy Birthday...and MANY more!

  4. Happy Happy Happy birthday Michelle! I remember turning 40, Yikes it was a long time ago now the number means nothing, it's all how you feel and your state of mind! Somedays I feel like I'm 20 and others well let's just say not 20 ;-) Big Hugs . . . I told your mom I wish we could all be together and celebrate!

  5. You are only double twenty. You're a young mom with two little gils. I can say that turning forty wasn't half as scary as having the first child becoming an adult. Have the most wonderful birthday!

    1. And remember there is always someone who is older than you, like me, birthday two days before you and always four years older. :)

  6. Again, happy, happy birthday! Know what's really "ugh"? Realizing that my baby is now 40! How can that be since I'm still only 39! Remember, it is just a number and you have so many things to look forward to each day, month and year! Time goes by way too quickly to focus on a number. Enjoy your day! Love ya bunches, Mom

  7. Happy birthday Michelle! Forty is the new twenty right? Hang on, the years roll by too fast and sometimes you might even forget what that number was because it's not that important to a happy life. Enjoy your day!

  8. Happy birthday! As you said before after my Sunday post, you were not really looking forward to it, however, I love your 40 things that make you happy! That is a great way to reflect and appreciate life. Eat cake and celebrate! As another slicer told me, "40 is divine!"

  9. Happy Birthday, Michelle, may the days always grow brighter no matter how many pass. Love reading your list, all birthday 'gifts'!

  10. Happy Birthday! 40 was a long ago memory for me. I like that you made a list of 40 things that make you happy. Chocolate would be on my list more than once, for sure. Celebrate!

  11. Happy birthday, Michelle! Your list of 40 things is wonderful!

    The big 4-0 happens for me next year. I'm not dreading it (shocker). I spent so much time lamenting about turning 30 that I almost missed how wonderful the transition was. So, like Rachel said above, EAT CAKE AND CELEBRATE. A wonderful decade is upon you.

  12. 40 is nothing from where I stand - and I can tell you that it's just a number, and we are here to enjoy every number we can get to!

  13. 40 is nothing from where I stand - and I can tell you that it's just a number, and we are here to enjoy every number we can get to!

  14. Happy birthday!! I love your birthday list idea! Enjoy your day...and remember the age-old saying, "age is just a number." :)
    My blog site is

  15. Happy birthday. 40 seems so young to me. 30s I can't even imagine! You have 40 great reasons to love being 40! #40 is an important one. Wisdom means a lot. I am still in my 40s and I will say that there is a lot to perspective and knowledge that comes with age and letting some of the worries go. Wiser is best!

  16. I LOVE the 40s!!! I highly recommend you watch this video about aging like a warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton (Momastery). You'll LOVE it! Happy Birthday!!!!

  17. The 40s are fantastic!

    Loved your list!

  18. I love this post - and that makes two of us, my 40th is April 4. I feel exactly the same way you do! I'm loving your gratitude and I'm also loving all of the encouragement in the comments.


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