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{right now} 1/31 #sol16

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!


I love a challenge, but really? Right now? 

I already know how difficult it is to squeeze in a Slice of Life story every Tuesday. Somehow I manage. But writing every day for thirty-one days? Right now?

My plate is already full and overflowing. Is this what I really need to be doing? Right now?

I mean, I'm a mom of five year old twin girls in kindergarten and dance and hockey.

I'm a wife to an understanding husband and daughter to an amazing Mom (and Dad) that also joins in the writing challenge.

I'm a teacher, reading specialist, colleague and friend to Chris, Lynn, and Karen -- all joining in the challenge.

I'm a reader and (little bit of) a writer and I'm addicted to late-night binges on Pinterest, Twitter, and HGTV.

Oh, I also do lots of praying, laundry, cleaning, some (easy) cooking, and shopping on the side.

Most recently, throw in buying a new home and selling our family home too ...

Really?  Right? Now?  

Without (much) hesitation right now, I can say, "Yes!" to the March Slice of Life Story Challenge for the sixth year in a row! (Cue confetti!)

Trust me. I get it. All of our plates are full with teacher duties, mom responsibilities, taking care of our families and loved ones, trying to take care of ourselves ... No one needs one. more. thing. to add to the to do list.

But that's not what this Slice of Life Story Challenge is all about.

It's about writing like a writer. Living a writerly life. Struggling through the challenges. Celebrating the successes! Forming a habit of writing. Fulfilling that need to write a little every day because ... that's what writers do. 

I'm happy you are here right now joining in this challenge that brings so many writers together.

Right now, grab your notebook and write: "I am a writer" -- even if you don't believe it yet.

After thirty-one days, you will discover that you ARE a writer.  You'll be amazed at all the connections you created through your captured stories and words on the page.  Go write. Right now.

It's March! Here's to a fabulous month of writing!
Go write. Right now.


Need a few tips to help you get started with this Slice of Life Story Challenge?  
Check out my 10 Tips for the Challenge from #sol15.


  1. Love this. I feel the same way! I was shocked to see that it was March 1st today! YIKES! But hey, let's just do it. I'm ready.

    1. Katie, I know you are living the same busy, crazy life too! But we can do this and writers with stories waiting are always ready! Looking forward to another month!

  2. Another March has rolled around. It surprises me that I've been doing this challenge for the 5th year. My life isn't anywhere near as busy as yours and my SOLs don't seem to be always forthcoming, but I'm ready for the challenge and look forward to writing, reading and commenting. Here's to another March challenge! Love ya bunches, Mom

  3. It's the common feeling on day 1, I think, to question whether we really have time to write every day. But you are right. We do. We need to make an appointment with ourselves and WRITE! Happy slicing....

  4. Can you believe it that we have been part of SOL for so long? You and I stay young but seeing the kids grow reminds us of the passing time. Your girls are five years old. Mimm was six when I started. She is eleven now. My two older ones have moved out. You and I, and many others, know that its going to be one busy, busy month, but the writing is worth it. It's not about perfection but more about sowing up, and as you said, about living the writerly life. Hugs to you!

  5. What a journey we have been on, six years. I feel like it's class reunion time when March rolls around. I'm looking forward to your daily posts and the creativity that you always bring to the written word. How cool, you are buying a new house?

  6. I know how you feel. My life feels so full right now. I started teaching a new grad school course yesterday. Just managing the first few days of the challenge is a lot of work. Throw parenting, wife-ing (not a word, I know), and more into the mix and OMG. (Oh, and my book is coming back from the typesetter on 3/13, so that will demand my attention too.) All that said, I'm delighted March is here. I can do this... and so can you!

  7. I know exactly what you mean! you, I love the rhythm of this March challenge and the community. Always glad to see you back here for a month of writing every day.

  8. Yes! So many reasons NOT to write--so many other things and people needing our attention. But living as writers does mean writing right now. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!

  9. There is a group of us who have been a part of each others' writing lives, and personal lives for a long time, six years! I know how busy you are because I see how busy my daughter is, but I'm still glad you squeeze this in, Michelle, and that we stay connected. I would miss hearing all that you share if you didn't write! Here we go again!

  10. I know you LOVE challenges and you are awesome and keeping all the plates moving! Can't wait to hear about how the house sale goes . . . hopefully it will sell fast! xoxo

  11. You are so right - sometimes there really isn't a good time, but "leading the writerly life" is finding time even when it's inconvenient. Best of luck to you as you navigate each and every day.
    Looking forward to connecting again this year for #SOL!

  12. I hear you! But I find that this challenge helps me reboot as the second term begins, and it helps me feel like my life isn't as chaotic as I sometimes imagine it to be. I'm glad you are here!

  13. Yep - that's what writers do in the middle of the chaos, the messiness, the busyness! I can't believe so many of you have done this for six years! This is year three for me, and I am more thankful for the "friends" I make each year! Let the writing begin.

  14. It's hard to believe we're here again. I always learn great things from you and I look forward to reading what you share during the month-I'm off to write! RIGHT NOW!

  15. Thanks for the inspiration. Since I've been thinking about doing this challenge, I've been more present in my daily life and realizing that each moment is precious.

  16. I'm so excited to get started. I've been eagerly awaiting March 1 for the last few weeks. So ready to get my feet wet, no matter what comes at me this month! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. I always, always, enjoy the style of your posts. They serve as an inspiration to me!

  18. Your words are so inspiring, encouraging, up-lifting... I hope I'm up for the challenge! Right now!!

  19. So understanding and encouraging! What a way to start the month! Thank you, Michelle.


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