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{mornings} 3/31 #sol16

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Thanks to Cathy Mere for today's slice of inspiration. 
Her slice from yesterday about a quiet morning and my comment led to this slice.

Mornings are not easy at my house.

I'm not an early riser like my husband.  In fact, I love that he slides out of bed way before I do.  I can then spread out feeling the coolness of the sheets as I snuggle deeper under the blankets.

That is until my alarm buzzes.  I slowly drag myself out of bed across the bedroom to my dresser.  I hit that snooze button and make my way back to bed without even opening my eyes.

Nine minutes later.  Repeat.  And then repeat again.  Until I slowly realize that I need to get up for the day and get ready before I need to assist my two princesses ... who are also not morning people.

After I'm almost ready for the day, I turn on the light in the girls' bedroom and slowly slide the dimmer switch up realizing that each new day is lighter as the sun peers brighter through the blinds.

Eyes scrunch closed tight.  Blankets bury their heads.  Stifled moans and groans can be heard.  There appears to be no movement. "Time to rise and shine," I whisper as I patiently wait, making noise.

Nine minutes later. Repeat.  And then repeat again.  Until they slowly realize that they need to get up for the day. Blankets flop, bodies emerge, and eyes meet.  A morning smile.

Mornings are not easy at my house.  And I'm good with that.


  1. Well, apparently that's one trait that you & the girls did not inherit from me! I love my mornings - the peace, the quiet, the ME time. Sometimes I wish that I could just close my eyes and snuggle, but that doesn't happen. Hugs to all. Love ya, Mom

  2. I would much prefer to sleep in too, Michelle. I know exactly what you mean. As for the granddaughters, one is up first & tries to engage everyone else in conversation; the other snuggles deeper like your girls. How people get to work at 7 or earlier is hard to imagine!

  3. Mornings are so different for everyone. I am the one who gets everyone up. Every day I get up and everyone else needs nudging and more nudging and then nagging . . . Your not morning feelings are pretty lovely I must say.

  4. You can't be perfect in everything my friend! ;-) I myself love mornings, so peaceful and quiet! xoxo

  5. Same here. I love the idea of slowly encouraging my daughter to wake up with light and smile. I will have to try this tomorrow.

  6. Loved your descriptors for the coolness of your sheets! Wishing I could be at my home in bed right now for an afternoon nap!

  7. I like the slow and sleepy morning you are describing and that you are accepting this.

  8. I love your use of repetition here, as well as the lead and closing that act as bookends, reinforcing your theme. This will serve as an excellent mentor text on the above with my sixth graders. Hope the mornings get better as the days get longer this spring.

  9. Our house is the opposite. I am up and ready and doing things, then my daughter gets up. The boys (husband and son) stay in bed until the last possible second every single morning.

  10. My husband gets up at 4 and is out by 430, and I enjoy every single second of snuggling back into bed. There is just something about being able to spread out! :-)

  11. I could see, and feel, your morning routine, Michelle. I giggled with the "every 9 minutes" deal. Sounds so familiar! Such beautiful descriptions...

  12. Did I write this? Because you just described mornings at our house.

    I'm perfectly okay with it, too.

  13. I am totally a morning person. My boys are both night owls. When I adopted them, the hardest thing for me was getting them up and out the door in a reasonable amount of time.

  14. Hi Michelle,
    Your babies are FIVE now! Wow, I remember when they were tiny. I remember your stories about them when I did my first March challenge. The little sleepy heads.

  15. Although you may not like the mornings, your story is peaceful. I feel that your morning routine is calm and your girls have a great start to their day.

  16. We have two morning people in our house and two definitely not morning people. So glad to know that you, too are the queen of the snooze button! I loved reading about your morning routine!


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