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solsc: thirty-seven 29/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge 
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Today is my birthday.  A special day, but just another day too.

The last two years I wrote birthday lists, so I'm carrying on that little tradition.  I did not peek back (2011 and 2012) until I completed this year's list.  Amazing to see what stays on the list and what's new that makes the list!

Here are thirty-seven things I am ever-so thankful for today and in the coming year:
  1. My faithful God
  2. Upcoming baptism on Sunday
  3. My loving hubby
  4. My sweet, funny girls
  5. My supportive Mom and Dad
  6. My caring brother and almost-sister-in-law
  7. A quiet evening home while the girls are at #6's home (first sleepover!)
  8. My always-there-for-me friends
  9. This supportive writing community 
  10. Comments matter! (Thank you!)
  11. The four seasons - with spring arriving (soon)!
  12. Sunshine and almost 50 degrees fresh air
  13. Birthday flowers (Thanks Mom and Dad!)
  14. A cake baked by my girls (with Grandma's help) 
  15. My 10 year wedding anniversary in July
  16. Books, books, books that can take me away
  17. Sharing those books, books, books
  18. The camera on my iPhone 5 (always snapping pictures of the girls)
  19. Earrings, glorious earrings (they always fit!)
  20. Beautiful bracelets 
  21. Chocolate
  22. A much-needed vacation (anywhere!!)
  23. Fireworks on the fourth
  24. A finished basement (project only started this week)
  25. Diaper money (when the girls are 100% potty trained)
  26. Losing a chunk of weight
  27. Swimming at the pool with the girls (if #26 happens!)
  28. My brother's wedding in the fall
  29. Pinterest (When will I ever make all those recipes and crafts and do those exercises?)
  30. Teaching and learning and growing with my students
  31. My 10 year journal (days of little stories)
  32. My writing notebook (trying to remember details of those stories)
  33. Highlights (blonde again) and a refreshing haircut
  34. Did I mention chocolate yet? (Not helpful for #26, I know.)
  35. My health
  36. Laughing more
  37. Living more
So much to be thankful for this year and 
another year to enjoy my life that is full of stories!


  1. What a lot to be thankful for! Happy Birthday! Love ya M & D, S & J

  2. I like number 34! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (We are the same age. It's a good one!)

  3. Happy Birthday! With you on the chocolate. :) 37 was a good year - hope you have a fabulous one!

  4. Happy Birthday & Congrats on almost 10 years with your hubby! Maybe that is where the vacay to anywhere will happen! (hint, hint, hubby) :) Another great writing idea from Michelle! I have already purchased a similar 10 year journal (same idea but only 1 year) I can't wait to start it in April. I think that is such a great way for mommys to make sure we jot something from everyday---All the cute things that happen each day are so precious--then we forget them if we don't write them down! Thanks for all of the ideas! You are inspiring! Enjoy your day!

  5. Happy Birthday, Michelle! Here's to #'s 35, 36, and 37!!

  6. Happy happy birthday to you! You are living a joyful life and I love reading about it all month and every Tuesday all year. Here's to many more!

  7. Happy birthday Michelle! Love your list! May next year be a year rich with God's love and blessings!

  8. Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Happy, happy, happy birthday! Have a great celebration!

  9. Happy, happy birthday! So many gifts you have. I hope you have a delightful celebration.

  10. Thirty-seven wonderful things to be thankful for, Michelle. Enjoy your birthday!

  11. I love this, Michelle. Thirty-seven things to be thankful for this year. Interestingly, you and my mom share a birthdate (day She'd have to make a little longer list. ;o)

    Happy Birthday!
    Enjoy your day!

  12. Happy, happy birthday to youuuuu! Love your list and remember, chocolate helps everything! Even #26!

  13. Happy birthday Michelle! It's amazing how many things...make such a difference in our lives...but it's the PEOPLE in our lives that our most important and what we are most grateful for!!!!

  14. What a great list. Happy birthday! It sounds like you have a lot of special events going on - enjoy the quiet evening with your girls at their first sleep over, and congratulations on the upcoming baptism. That is sure to be a special, special day.

    I hope that you will enjoy swimming with the girls whether or not #26 happens. The last couple of summers I have realized that time at the pool as a family has been really good for us.

  15. Happy Birthday...and all those days that follow! Love the list (especially your parenthetical notes). It is a gratitude list mixed with a to-do/wish list. A perfect blend!

  16. What a great list! Hope you have a happy birthday!:)

  17. Happy Birthday. What a wonderful list. I especially like #10 comments.

  18. Happy Birthday! It's so important to take stock and appreciate our many blessings!

  19. I love the idea of listing gratitudes for how old you are each year! It must be so fun to look back and see what things are the same and different across the years! I think I'll try to start doing this! Happy Birthday!!!

  20. Happy, happy birthday Michelle. I love the list, remember last year's too. Where does the time go? I love #19 earrings, they always fit! True, so true.


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