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solsc: waiting 16/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge 
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

One more week until spring break
Spring weather is questionable

Sneak peeks of some bright glow in a blue sky
Quickly gray clouds move in
More rain slowly melts the piles of snow

Not ready to shed my layers
Still covering up every square inch of skin
Knowing soon those warmer temps will arrive

And then I will be happy to close my eyes
Turn my head up to the clear blue sky
Absorb the warmth of the sun

Breath in the fresh, spring air
But until then, I'll be


  1. Wishing you some peaceful days of waiting. Ours is finally here and I am ever so grateful for it. :)

  2. Waiting, yes. Spring is here one day and gone the next - just a tease of things to come. Anticipation of those warm days and fresh air. I'm waiting with you. So hurry up spring (especially by Michelle) so we can have warm temps when we arrive.

  3. Your poem captured the length of our waiting....and also the reassurance of its arrival...whenever that may be, we are ready.

  4. I can almost feel the sun shining on me now when I read---
    "And then I will be happy to close my eyes
    Turn my head up to the clear blue sky
    Absorb the warmth of the sun"

    I am not wanting to shed my layers of clothes either---at least not until I shed some layers of fat I have gained over the winter.!

  5. I have discovered that spring weather is really my favorite season. I enjoyed your slice capturing the anticipation for spring. I just read Elsie's poem ( and it was a perfect one to pair with yours. Enjoy your spring break. Mine is also coming up after one more week of school.

  6. Two things to look forward -spring and break. I hope that you will have plenty of time to go out and let the sun shine on you.

  7. I am slightly jealous that you only have one week to wait, but I am hoping for even warmer weather when our break rolls around (the week of April 8th!).

    The anticipation is almost as wonderful as the time off (just keep telling yourself that for the next week anyway).

  8. We have spring break next week too, and like you, I am ready and waiting! When I walked the dog this afternoon, I saw crocuses! I think we won't have to wait much longer! Yippee!

  9. Waiting.
    Soon the coat will be off and you will be chasing your daughters threw sun beams.

  10. Oh how I am waiting as is something for you last St. Patrick's Day it was 86 degrees! What a difference a year makes...keeping my fingers crossed for a 50 degree day!

  11. Next week! Maybe the weather won't be there, but the day will be! Nice to show the feelings of all of us, Michelle. I know I'm very ready to shed my coats and swathers. Have a terrific spring break!


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