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solsc: gifts 28/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge 
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

My spring break has been great so far.  Not much relaxation time or book reading.  This is only a "break from school" for me.  I'm usually a full-time mom and teacher.  Balancing my time is difficult, but I find ways to manage.  (Basically, I prioritize and I have learned to let some things go.)

However, during a long break, such as this week, I'm a full time mom.  All. Day. Long.  There are no breaks when you have two active three year olds who are currently working on potty training (with some success!) and decide not to nap at home.

So, having the extra help around the house has been a gift. Thank you to Grammy and Grumpy Grampy - new names the girls have adopted for Grandma and Grandpa.  They love to get a reaction, so they like to use the new names!  (Side note: Grandpa is not always grumpy.)

For the second time this week, Grandma was able to get the girls to nap. (Hallelujah!)

What to do with this precious time?  (My mind races with ideas.)

I hopped online.  Read a few slices.  Checked Pinterest.  Scanned my email.

I felt like I haven't read a book throughout March, so I grabbed a small stack of books I just picked up from the library.  I snuggled onto the couch under a blanket, and picked up this new adorable friendship favorite:

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Betsy shared Someday and used it as a mentor text for a slice.  I picked up this book and Spinelli's newest picture book - another perfect mentor text for writing:

Someday by Eileen Spinelli
Product Details
When No One is Watching by Eileen Spinelli

Elsie mentioned spending some money on books at Amazon, including this gem. Truly a must read - the story is full of story accompanied by the beautiful illustrations:

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And waiting in the wings, at Christy's recommendation, was

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I was able to quickly devour the three picture books, but then I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet.

I set the books aside, snuggled further under the blanket, and closed my eyes.

It was the perfect nap.

Thank you Grammy for allowing all three of your girls to take it easy and rest while you were busy in the kitchen, go-go-doing, baking, cleaning on your vacation!

It was a day full of gifts:  help with the girls and around the house, books, and a nap.

Still waiting to be read?  Those words I left in the dust.


  1. Glad you are getting a little mommy down time this week. Just read your mom's last couple of slices and it seems like a great time is being had by all! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  2. Glad to be here to help and enjoy you and the girls. There will always be books to be read and dust to be cleaned, but sometimes a nap is just what we need.

  3. A nap should be at the top of most of our lists, I suspect, especially those who have pre-school children. They are a joy, but very busy, right? I like the way you led us to that important part of your day, Michelle, and it's good to hear that you have such lovely visitors!

  4. I love it when I can add books to my to read list that come highly recommended! Glad you found time for a nap!

  5. Good for you for taking advantage of the time! Mom's are just what kids need some/most times as well. . .

  6. Your first sentence brought a smile on my face. I hope that the rest of the week continues the same way. I kind of suspect that it will, knowing about your special day tomorrow. Your parents, husband, and girls will make sure that tomorrow it will be unforgettable.

  7. Seems like you have had a great vacation so far. Moms are so great when it comes to helping out with children. It is a treat for them too. I remember my mom coming and helping me. A nap is a rare treat, and so deserved.

  8. Ahhhhh - a nap! Early bday gift from your momma! It's so great your parents are here to help. Sweet!

  9. Glad you got some time to yourself, Michelle! Just put Words in the Dust on my to-read list. I had missed Christy's post, so thank you for sharing it!

  10. Sounds perfect. I love working into a nap with a little reading first. It feels so relaxing and it sounds like you were actually able to relax for that short moment.

  11. Add a few of your titles to my library book bag! THANKS!!!


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