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solsc: the challenge 1/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge 
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

The anticipation of the March Slice of Life Challenge has been building steadily over the last two months between Stacey and Ruth at the Two Writing Teachers and the many year round slicers.  I was surprised earlier this week while reading a Tuesday slice that March was here!  (I was thinking I still had another week!  Grrr... 28 days in February.)

But I'm here and ready to write!

The first year I participated in the challenge, I planned my slices days in advance, many ideas generated, slices started waiting to practice a craft and tell a story.  The second year was more about the day-to-day writing and I was just happy to write a little each day.  Now in my third year of participating in the challenge, I'm going a little of each: some planning and some "in-the-moment" writing.

My goals for the SOLSC:
  • Write. Every. Day.
  • Capture moments I might otherwise quickly forget.
  • Comment on three new slicers and three old (seasoned?) slicers.
I am excited about another challenge with so many participants.  My only regret is time. Time to read the slices.  Slices from the new slicers.  Slices from the old slicers.  Time and balance is a challenge for me these days . . . so please forgive me when you don't hear from me every day!

To the "new" slicers: Welcome!  Enjoy the writing, reading and connecting.  Pay close attention to your process and celebrate your product by relishing in the comments -- they will fuel you to write more because you will come to the realization that you are a writer.  

To the "old" comforting friends:  Enjoy the writing, reading, and connecting as well.  I can never truly express how much your words mean to me (but I think you understand).   

Please know that if I read your slice, I WILL leave a comment.  I know there are many readers out there who visit and read and then leave without a word.  

My advice:  Leave something.  Leave a word.  Leave a thanks for writing today.  Connect with the writer or the story.


  1. Ahhh....time....and two year olds. Thank you as always for your wonderful, calm and organized approach. Remember when you told us all about clicking on the button on top? It really helped me to get into that routine. xo

  2. YAY! March is here! Last year I brainstormed a list of topics just incase I couldn't think of what to write about, but I never needed it. Hope this year is the same.

  3. The challenge is not only in writing every day, but making the time to read other slices and comment. I like your goals - not too much, but enough to give you a little push each day. Balance is the key to it all. Glad I can participate with you and all the other slicers. Love ya M

  4. Time ... That's the challenge. I agree that even a short comment is better than nothing. Happy slicing! Don't forget to breathe.

  5. Good Morning Michelle, I look forward to reading your thoughts this month.

  6. I am like you this year....I have a few ideas in my notebook to write about for those days when there just doesn't seem to be anything to write about. But mostly, I want to capture little moments.

    And I love the advice about leaving a comment. We "old" slicers know how important those are! We write for comments! Here's to a great month!

  7. Time... a small word with such an impact on our lives...hmmm a slice idea! But seriously Michelle, you say you have trouble with balance...I say you do a great job with all that is on the "plate";-)

  8. Have a great month, you've got a good plan in place. Now if life will cooperate, the month will zip by. But we know how life throws those curve balls, I know you will catch them when they come your way and create a fabulous poem to record it.

  9. You always have great advice and serve as a great mentor! Thank for this slice advice! I like how you set up your plan!

  10. I agree on the leaving comments! It's so important to let people know that we've wandered through their mind, if only just for a moment. Thank you for your lovely welcome post!

  11. It's hard to write for a month. That's why you are so right about the comments. It's easier when there's a sense of community. I'm going to make the same promise. If I read a post, I'll comment, even if it's just a word or two.

  12. Welcome back to another year. I look forward to reading more about your girls and your passion for kids. Looking forward to another year of amazing slices.

  13. Love your welcome to all and your goals for this year's challenge. I find it frustrating that there just isn't enough day to read all the slices, but try to do something similar to what you do. I know others will use your suggestions too!

  14. Great advice, Michelle! Comments are so important during this challenge because writing every day is so difficult. Thank you for reminding everyone of this!

  15. Such good advice! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Michelle. Looking forward to reading your slices throughout the month.

  16. Michelle, I'm also hoping to do some planned pieces as well as some "in-the-moment" ones. I love the advice you give and the thought you always put into your comments on blog posts! You inspire me to be better at leaving comments! :)

  17. Michelle, I'm also hoping to do some planned pieces as well as some "in-the-moment" ones. I love the advice you give and the thought you always put into your comments on blog posts! You inspire me to be better at leaving comments! :)

  18. I have always sliced "in the moment." This is the first year I collected ideas to try when I need a nudge. Your post reminded me of how I was afraid to leave comments the first time I participated in the challenge...what did I have to say that was worth saying? Now that I have experienced the power of comments myself, I realize that saying ANYthing is worthwhile. I just like to know someone stopped by. Here's to another year of Christmas-gift-worthy slices!

  19. Michelle,
    My favorite part of slicing is all of the nice people, like you, that I have gotten to "know" online. I'm feeling a little dry this year-- wondering if I can really come up with 30 more slices. Like several others who have commented, I have started a list of possible posts this year (that's new for me!). And I totally appreciate your encouragement to COMMENT! I'm trying to hit a bunch tonight, just because I know how hard it can be to get started with slicing.

  20. Michelle,
    When I think of Slice of Life Challenge, I think of you. You are so good about keeping up with the challenge, and continuing across the year. I loved your goals for the challenge. I think I may just borrow them. I especially like your 3 new and 3 old goal. I'm thinking I will make mine 3 new to me blogs and 3 blogs I already know and love.

    This year I'm hoping to do a little more writing about something from the day. I'm going to try to really pay attention and find the story in something I notice. It's a bit risky, but I think I need to give a try. Right now I'm thinking I will have a Memory Monday when I will allow myself to write about something that happened long ago. I'm going to also try to do a poem on Friday to get in the habit of joining the Poetry Friday event. We'll see how it all goes.

    Thanks, Michelle.


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