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solsc: me&joy 29/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

After becoming a wife and a mother, I rarely put myself first.

But today, I can.  It's my birthday.  

image from icanread

Today is a celebration of me and finding joy in the ordinary!

1.  My Almighty God who never gives up on me
2.  My loving husband who leads our family
3.  My sweet, sweet daughters who always make me laugh
4.  My supportive mom and dad who remind me what unconditional love is
5.  My caring brother and new sister-in-law who are only a text away
6.  My always-there-for-me friends and colleagues
7.  My church, praise music, and my pastor helping me to know Jesus
8.  My small group family that I'm maturing with in Christ 
9.  Connections through all facets of my life
10.  Learning all that my brain can absorb
11.  Reading as much as I can when I can if I can find the time
12.  Writing on this little blog every Tuesday and throughout March
13.  Books, and more books, and all kinds of books
14.  Chocolate (dark chocolate, mint chocolate, really any flavor of chocolate)
15.  Updated new haircut and highlights and pretty toes too
16.  Middle of the day naps (rare these days)
17.  Time together with family and friends
18.  Time alone, just with me and my thoughts
19.  A half-way-there deep breath soaking in all this happy
20.  Playing games with my girls, dress-up, marching band, board games
21.  Reading with my girls, one of the "just one more book" books
22.  Snuggling with my girls in the morning, afternoon, and evening
23.  A home cooked meal (and not planned or prepared by me!)
24.  Fresh, clean cool-on-the-legs sheets
25.  Chocolate chip cookies, brownies, ice cream delights
26.  Sunshine and warm breezes (soon I hope!)
27.  Fresh from the garden bouquet of flowers
28.  Sleep (I definitely need my sleep to be happy) 
29.  Exercise (even though I don't do it often enough...)
30.  Prayer and time with God
31.  Blessing others
32.  Pinterest no-brainer kind of activity 
33.  Making a difference
34.  Laughter, loud, fun, straight-from-the-gut laughter
35.  Inside jokes that make me smile
36.  Making memories
37.  Spring break birthdays (only twice did it fall on a school day)
38.  My strength in YOU and your comments!  Thanks for your support all month!

Birthdays allow me to slow down 
and be thankful for so much in my life.

image found on Pinterest/originally found on

My birthday lists from   2013  --  2012 --  2011


  1. Happy Birthday! I could join you in all of your celebratory list - except I don't have little ones around now, and I never had a Spring Break birthday. Counting your blessings always makes for a joyful life! Have a wonderful day!

  2. So many blessings and celebrations! Birthday wishes and hugs sent your way until we get together later. Love ya, Mom

  3. "A halfway there deep breath soaking in all this happy". Love this line. What a great reflection this list is on your birthday. So awesome that you and your mom are on this slicing journey together!

  4. Happy birthday Michelle!!! Yes we all have so much to be grateful for . . . I love this . . . the little things are truly the BIG things!

  5. Happy Birthday! So many things to be thankful for. I hope you enjoy your day.

  6. Birthdays are the best! Especially surrounded by all the loving family members. Have a fabulous birthday!

  7. Happy birthday Michelle! Hope you have a day and year filled with His richest blessings! I love your list!

  8. How much better it is to count one's blessings than dwell on negative aspects of our lives. You have many blessings. May they continue to come your way. Happy Birthday.

  9. I love seeing your very long....list! We are so blessed by your writing and hearing about the fun you have with your sweet girls. Happy, happy Birthday Michelle! xo

  10. Happy birthday. It seems that you had a bit of celebration all week long, so happy for you! The list is good, so many things to enjoy & celebrate!

  11. What a wonderful list! I hope you have an amazing birthday! =)

  12. Happy Birthday - and what a list to celebrate and find joy in. I hope you have a wonderful day, Michelle!!

  13. Happy Birthday! You are making a difference!

  14. Palju Ƶnne sĆ¼nnipƤevaks! This makes me 4 years and 2 days older than you. Kalli-kalli (hug-hug) kallis (dear) sƵber (friend)!

  15. Happy Birthday, Michelle! Enjoy your day!

  16. You are incredible, Michelle.
    Happy Birthday!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What an incredible list of blessings. Happy Birthday!

  19. Lovely. I keep a gratitude journal with snippets of ordinary stuff that brings me joy. It surely opens the heart. Happy Birthday!

  20. Happy birthday! What a lovely list of blessings!

  21. Birthday blessings to you Michelle. Your gratitude for your life shines through your list and glows with happiness! So sweet to read.


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