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solsc: i might be 23/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Over the course of the month, I have been writing in the moment, usually about my girls or school.  I have not had that moment of writer's fear yet.  

Yesterday was the first day of my spring break and it was amazingly relaxing ... so much so that my day did not even produce a slice worthy of writing.  Or, so I thought.  

I ventured out of my usual routine and watched a movie with my husband sans my laptop.  After the movie finished and my husband was snoring on the couch, I grabbed my laptop to start creating a slice with no idea really in mind.  Yet, surprisingly, I was the least bit concerned.  

One of my first stops was on Cathy Mere's blog and I read her poetry slice Spring Break! and thought it was the perfect mentor text for me play with today.  So, lifting her first three lines, I created today's slice.  Thank you, Cathy, for the inspiration!

I Might Be

It's spring break.
If you are looking for me
I might be
spending my first day
sleeping in an extra hour
or worrying about places to be.

It's spring break.
If you are looking for me
I might be
spending time with my husband
playing racquetball in the morning
and relaxing on the couch without a worry
watching a movie late at night.

It's spring break.
If you are looking for me
I might be
spending the day with my girls
playing silly games
whispering repeatedly "I love you." 

It's spring break.
If you are looking for me
I might be
reading tweets on my phone
checking for comments on my slice
and creating my own.

It's spring break.
If you are looking for me
I might be
purely enjoying
the instant easy break
of my other (teacher) life.


  1. Great idea for a slice. I loved Cathy's poem yesterday. Thinking this might be a great mentor text to use with kids this week (we still have one more week before break). Have lots of fun!

  2. I loved Cathy's poem yesterday as well, and had tucked it in the back of my mind as a mentor text for later. Love what you did with it today. Enjoy all those wonderful small moments that spring break has in store for you!!

  3. Michelle,
    Enjoy your break! Oh, late night movies. It's hard to take advantage of those during the school week. I find having enough rest is the most important thing for me as I work with young learners each day. I have to keep up with their energy. For that reason, I rarely stay up late to watch anything. Spring break is the perfect time to do that. Somehow in one week I will manage to get my sleep schedule all messed up, but it will be worth it. Thanks for the blog mention. I enjoyed reading your words about spring break.


  4. Great idea for a slice! Wishing you a rejuvenating spring break!

  5. This IS a great idea for a slice. My countdown to spring break is on. Maybe I will be able to write this poem on March 29th! :) Enjoy every second of the break!!

  6. So glad you get your break, mine in a week! And Cathy's slice is a terrific idea for vacation imagining! Hope to do get to all those places!

  7. I know that many are on Spring Break this week, but my break isn't for four more weeks. Your slice made me very jealous. Have a great time enjoying your days with no plans.

  8. The highlighted words say it all - enjoy your break, Michelle!

  9. Loved this! Enjoy your break mine went way to fast! But only 40 days left of school!

  10. Hopefully spring break will be as relaxing as you anticipate. Looking forward to spending spring break with you. Love ya, Mom

  11. Ooh, love this, Michelle! Wish I would have read this before I wrote my slice today... same thinking, but the poem format is much cuter! I missed Cathy's slice yesterday, so I'm glad you shared this today! I think the stanza about your girls was my favorite. :-)

  12. Oh, Michelle! I love how you wrote about your spring break! It sounds like it was heavenly!


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