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solsc: missing you 11/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Mondays are busier than usual.  The girls started swim lessons at the YMCA.  Usually, I swoop by and pick them up from school.  Rush home to gobble down a light dinner.  Help them slip into their swimsuits and then cover up to stay warm.  Coats, hats, boots on.

And we are out the door.

Race to the local Y, less than ten minutes from our house.  Try and find a parking spot.  Zip inside the locker room to be ready to stand by the pool.  Ready to learn to swim.

All this in less than an hour.

Yet, last night was different.  

I attended a school board meeting.  I didn't get to pick them up.  I didn't get to remind them over and over that we need to hurry up and eat dinner.  I didn't get to quickly change them into their swimsuits.  I didn't get to plop them in the car and zip over to the Y. 

As much as I didn't miss the rush of the night, I missed being with my girls and their Daddy.

I didn't get to see the smiles on their faces as they jumped into the pool.


  1. Funny how the "rush" of your daily life is really the "rush" that keeps you going . . .you will have to keep me posted on the girls' progress ;-)

  2. Those little missed moments only add to the excitement of all the time that you do spend with them, enjoying them and loving them. I'm so glad they are enjoying their swimming lessons - it will be interesting to see what they do when they get to the "big pond". Love ya, Mom

  3. Every other Monday night I attend BOE meetings. I often rush home in between school and the meetings to do homework with the kids, give them dinner, unload the dishwasher. It's rushed, but it's worth it.

  4. It is in those small moments that our love is forged. I'm glad that you notice them and write about them. xo

  5. What a beautiful snippet of love. The last line is absolutely perfect!

  6. Those things moms do - those things we miss when we don't do them. Being tugged in different directions is never easy. Hope today you get make up your time with them.

  7. I really enjoy reading about how much you enjoy being a mom and how you relish the tender "little moments."

    I also love the myriad of descriptive verbs you used (swoop, rush, slip, race, zip...) to communicate the rushed feeling of the your Mondays. I'm trying to become more descriptive in my own writing. Thanks for inspiring! =)


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