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solsc: intro - i am 1/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Dearest Slice of Life Reader,

I am a wife and mother.  A wife to a wonderful man who is my best friend and supports me.  A mother of the most beautiful and smartest almost-four-year-olds that make me laugh every single day. All precious gifts I never want to take for granted.

I am a daughter, sister, friend, colleague, confidant, child of God.  All pieces of me that make me whole.  As trustworthy, caring, honest, and supportive as I can be when needed the most all the while gaining my strength to balance this crazy life.

I am a teacher.  A teacher who is passionate about kids and building relationships to uplift.  A teacher who is passionate about all things literacy, books, reading, writing, and spreading that love of around.

I am a Pinterest-loving, Twitter-in-waves-addict.  Those are my go-to when I don't know what-to-do in those spare little moments that rarely happen throughout the day.

I am a writer.  A writer in my head.  A writer on sticky notes or scraps of paper.  A writer in my notebook.  A writer on this blog.  A writer on the side.  But I am a writer. 

I am so thankful you're here today.  Thankful that you read my precious words and learned a little about my story.  And through words on a page our lives and stories are now connected.

Writing (all month) with you,

P.S. Starting this month-long challenge is a celebration! So today I am also linking for the first time with Ruth's Saturday Celebrate this week as she was the one who nudged me to start a blog and share my stories.  It's only fitting that my first slice this month is dedicated to Ruth and sharing in the celebrations!


  1. I am so glad that you are slicing and celebrating. I am grateful that words/slices have brought you into my life. My joys are bigger when I get to share them with you, and worries lessen. And one day we'll meet in person.

  2. Michelle,
    You are one of the slicers that I really connected with during my first year SOLSC. Here we are 3 years later, still celebrating! I really like your letter to the SOLSC readers and that you're also celebrating with Ruth! I want to thank you for encouraging me to become a twitter tweeter and pinterest pinner! I use both fluently now...thanks to you!

  3. Loved how you are celebrating your writing and commitment to the March challenge. Look forward to reading your words throughout the month!
    Clare and Tammy

  4. Always a joy to read your slices. You are precious.

  5. I love your introduction. I have done some slicing with Amy Rudd in the past. So, I look forward to connecting with another slicer. While I'm embracing twitter as a professional platform, I have to say I haven't spent as much time as I would like on Pinterest. I would still like to connect with you there, too. parkerse1 is my twitter account.

  6. I love your slice and your celebration of the multiple intersecting identities of your life. I like the idea of a letter to your SOL readers. We should ALL do that! I might become a requirement next year! What do you think?

  7. Even though I know all those qualities and titles that distinguish you as YOU, to see them in writing makes me proud to call you my daughter. Sometimes we take for granted that "everyone" knows who we are, so this is a great way to start the March challenge. Happy writing! Love ya, Mom

  8. Great slice - it really sums up who you are. I'm privileged that I get to work with you, pick your brain, and share a love of reading! Happy March!

  9. You are one of those first slicers who welcomed me in the beginning, accepted me, and encouraged me to become one of "you" - this writing community! Thank you! I have many of your slices as ideas written in my notebook for those days when I will have no idea what to write about! And I know they will come. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  10. Such a heartfelt post, Michelle, & glad you're joining the celebrators too! Hard to believe it's our 4th SOLC together-a bunch of us have stayed and written and stayed. Also hard to think that your girls are nearly four-my Granddaughters are nearly 5 and 3! Such fun for me, although for you and my daughter it's both wonderful and hard sometimes when you work full time. Still a joy to hear all about what's going on with you. Have a great weekend!

  11. Thanks for sharing about yourself. I am so glad to be part of your community of writers.

  12. What a great way to start the month, and it is so nice to learn these things about you. I know I'll continue to enjoy your posts this month.

  13. Love this way of introducing yourself. I may have to use it next year! Happy you are back too, it would seem right without you!

  14. Time may be short, but you make the most of it every time you write. It's always a joy to read your words.

  15. Welcome back Michelle. I look forward to reading your slices this month!

  16. Hi Michelle I'm so happy to be slicing along side of you once again, you are such an inspiration. So excited to see what this month brings.

  17. This is a beautiful first post, Michelle! Super idea :). I may have to copy it! Your twins are almost four years old? Wow! I love the way your piece grew in such an organic way. Fabulous! Sweet dedication too! Happy March :).

  18. Looking forward to blogging with you again this year! A great idea to "introduce" yourself when there are so many new people in the community. And perfect that it's dedicated to Ruth! I hope she will slice with us this month, at least some of the time. Can't believe those girls are almost four- I think they were less than a year when I started reading your slices!

  19. I love that you started the challenge with an introduction related to your multi-faceted identity. I also appreciate the reminder to write a Celebrate! post. I have been out of that loop for a couple of weeks.

  20. I loved reading about your 'I am', though I feel like I really know you because of your honest and very open 'slice sharing'. You also have given all of a great mentor text to imitate. It will be fun to hear other people's stories also. Thank you for the great idea. xo

  21. I am so excited to spend another year getting to know you. I am inspired by the stories you share and the glimpses that we get into your world. This was the perfect way to start off another month of Slicing.

  22. Thank you, Michelle. I'm glad you write.

  23. Hello! I am Gaby. I love Art and Music (and writing to speak to myself).

    I am so excited and overwhelmed about this challenge!

  24. Hello! I am Gaby. I love Art and Music (and writing when I need to speak to myself).
    I am so excited and overwhelmed about this challenge!!!!!!!


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