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solsc: missing you 30/31

March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

The girls spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa at Uncle Scott and Aunt Jen's house Friday night.  

My husband and I were blessed with date night.  A celebratory birthday dinner out.  All through dinner we talked about the girls.  We watched the videos of them ice skating.  We laughed about the funny little things they do and say.  

A video text goodnight.  We started to miss them.

Fast forward to Saturday.  The day was all ours too.  We played racquetball, had breakfast out, did a little browsing and shopping.  We continued to talk about the girls.  Another video text was sent with a "happy birthday" message.  

We then cleaned the screened-in-porch to encourage spring to arrive.  I enjoyed the clean porch for a half an hour before we headed to my brother's house for my family birthday dinner.  We thought about the girls all day.

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon. We walked in the door to see two happy girls with hugs for us both.  Oh, it was so good to see them.  The missing them now gone.

We spent the evening talking, laughing, eating a delicious meal.  We shared, smiled, celebrated with a triple chocolate cake with sprinkles.

It was a perfect evening with my family and my girls. 

Fast forward to late Saturday night.  We brushed teeth, said prayers, and tucked the girls into bed.  All was quiet as I plopped down on the couch with my laptop in hand thinking about my slice.  I opened up my laptop and started to type when I heard a little voice over the monitor.

"Mommy.  Mommeeee.  I have poopy."

"And I have two boogers."

I know one day I will miss this too ... 


On a side note ... I traveled to Google to find this yesterday!  What a fun little gift!


  1. This is such a perfect slice of your days. The feeling of missing your daughters was there throughout the piece, even if you didn't say the words.

    And yes, one day you will miss the rest of it too!

  2. Perfect moments of remembering the fun times. Perfect ending to your writing that made the piece believable! Being a mom is filled with the GREAT and the messy!!

  3. We so enjoyed being with the girls and playing, playing, playing. We're glad that you had some time to yourselves and yes, you will always miss them (clean & messy). Love ya, Mom

  4. I believe a mom will always miss their kids even when they are all grown ups! Mom's love is a special kind! Thank you for sharing it!

  5. A delightful day for you and your family. Glad it was a good one, especially with that cake. Yum!

  6. So many memories that will be in the past . . . but think about all the new memories just waiting to come . . . sounds like you had a great birthday!

  7. I think it was good for you to be away, even with missing the girls. A sweet slice with a funny (very realistic) ending.

  8. Sounds like you and your husband had a great day together! I miss my boys so, so, so much and then they come back and start making messes and staying out until all hours and arguing with me and I wonder why I missed them so much! :)

  9. Chocolate cake makes any day a celebration. Glad you had an enjoyable day.

  10. Perfect slice for the special day, down to the final words, Michelle. Glad you had a wonderful day. I enjoyed hearing about the girls from your mom too!

  11. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday weekend! I love sensing how much you cherish your daughters (and how much they love you) through all of your posts. You can really "feel" that in this post as you recount thinking and talking about them constantly, even when they were away. Love the comical ending as you share the "not so cute" side of parenting. :)

  12. Poopy and know you WILL miss those days in the years to come, but it was nice to have an evening alone, too, I'll bet!

  13. I'm smiling 'cause yep, you're gonna miss this! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and break!


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