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{inspired writing} 7/31 #sol17


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

I love that my daughters' see themselves as readers and writers and thinkers at the young age of six. Their writing work from school isn't always freely shared, but once in a while a rough draft will find its way home for me to read and enjoy.  

In February, their class celebrated the 100th day of school and with that came a little writing.  P. wrote about living life at 100. I cried reading her writing about being 100 years old -- tears of laughter and joy of her writing and ideas.  

First, I will attempt to write about life at the young age of 100 ... inspired by my daughter.

I am thrilled to be living today and celebrating 100 years of age. I am grateful for each new day. I may not move as fast as I used to, but I will continue taking walks outside to feel the warm sunshine. The wrinkles will fill my face, but those lines hold all the ups and downs of life. Memories that remind me to be thankful for this life I'm living.

I'll spend my time reading some old favorite books and some hot new reads. Of course, there will be picture books in my stack as one can never grow too old for those books. I am always up for a competitive game of Bingo, just to say I'm the Queen of Bingo. I will join in, hum and sing my favorite church songs. Perhaps I'll use a new app to help me continue my writing, capturing stories about my children, grandchild and great grandchildren that visit me often.

Life is grand at 100. Don't you think?

My six year old daughter's thoughts on being the BIG 100 (shared with her permission, of course) ...

How can you not love her thoughts on being 100? P. insists she will not have fake teeth and she will keep busy taking naps (must be how she started this piece -- sleeping!), baking, playing cards, knitting, and doing crossword puzzles. (Grandma, where does she get all these ideas?!?)  Hmmm ... I wonder when she is planning this move to Florida. She started off positive with a smile on her face until she comes to the realization that being 100 will be terrible. 

This morning I shared my slice with P. and her final thought: I do NOT want to be 100! But you can share my story.

So, how about you? What are your big plans for 100? Share a thought with us.


  1. How cool to get inspiration from your daughter. Walking, reading and naps would certainly make my list.

  2. Maybe she thinks that I'm pretty close to 100 and that's how she'll be. I can't imagine thinking about being 100 at the ripe old age of 6. I can't imagine thinking about 100 at my age! Just living each day as it comes.

  3. Your daughter's plans for 100 sound grand.

  4. Life at 100 will certainly be different than it is today. Just think of all the technology that will be developed by then! What a writer you have! I hope you get to enjoy 100.

  5. What a great mentor text to use! Maybe the smile on her face will help her cope with all that is terrible!��We,Boomers are always reinventing aging so we will probably say...100 is the new 75!! Ha...

  6. Her words are so cute and so insightful for a six year old! Actually if I am doing all things at 100, I would be beyond thrilled!

  7. The image of you at 100 with your hot new reads made me giggle. I loved your daughter's piece as well. Who doesn't love the idea of living in a purple house at 100. I see mother and daughter share the gift of words.

  8. Keeping busy taking naps - love this!

  9. "Once in a while a rough draft will find its way home for me to read and enjoy" - I wonder if non-teacher parents enjoy this quite as much as we do. :)

  10. So fun! I picture P as a little wrinkled lady with a cat, enjoying her book and smiling. So adorable!!

  11. Fabulous slice!
    And love that the girls are readers and writers just like you!


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