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{happy dreamer #loveforAmyKrouseRosenthal} 14/31 #sol17

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

I love story time before bed. It's quiet time together, snuggling in the big bed. The girls each pick a book to read and share. Sometimes I read. Sometimes the girls read. Sometimes they take turns ... Elephant and Piggie are perfect books for taking turns.

And this special time together gathered around books is never missed. Trust me. There have been busy evenings or late nights, and my husband may suggest we skip reading. Nope. We can't. It's part of their homework to read every night. (I'm happy to use this as an excuse!) And besides ... We want to read. We need to read.

Their book selections are far and wide.  Sometimes it's a library book from school they selected. Sometimes it's an old favorite from our bookshelf. Sometimes we read another chapter in a book. Sometimes I happen to leave a small stack of books on the table for them to find.

I did that yesterday. P. found them right away after she walked in the door from school. She didn't even take off her coat before she sat down and started browsing the stack.

"Oh, look at this one. I want to read this tonight," M. said as she picked up a book from the middle of the stack. I smiled because that's the one I wanted to share. Sometimes, just as I plan a read aloud at school, I plan for read alouds at home too.

The night before we shared The Friend Ship and That's Me Loving You by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I shared with my girls the sadness in my heart for Amy and her family. Then yesterday I heard the news. It wasn't a shock because I knew it was coming. 

But it still hurts.

So, last night, I wanted to read Happy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds in memory of Amy and her continued happy dreams that will live on through her words and books. She inspires the dreamers in all of us ... 

"Dreamers have a way of bouncing back and moving forward." 

A gift in a tweet from Peter H. Reynolds. #loveforAmyKrouseRosenthal


  1. Reading together, sharing that special time with the girls. They will remember these special moments forever and will do the same with their children. So sorry to hear of AKR's passing, but she left a lot of herself to share with others. Love ya, Mom

  2. I love those "planted" books. Sometimes my husband used to threaten "no story time," as a punishment. I defended this time with a fierce mama's heart because it was the best way to end our day (no matter what the frustrations of the day might have been)!
    My heart was sad to hear of Amy's death. It's significant that you're sharing with your girls the sadness in your heart. They will grow up understanding more about their emotional lives. And now I'm off to request Happy Dreamer, a title new-to-me.

  3. Thanks for this glimpse back into the storytime days. I miss those intimate minutes with my sons, long grown now. As I am now a reading specialist, I no longer have regular opportunities to share books with students. Maybe life will one day make me a grandparent...but for now that is not on the horizon. AKR left us with some lovely stories and ideas to dance in our minds and hearts for years to come.

  4. My heart is breaking today, too. I heard the news this morning, and I have had a cloud above me ever since. Such a lovely tribute to a lovely person.

  5. A hole has been left in the world of children's literature. I love the way you plan for read aloud at home, what lucky girls!

  6. Such sad news, and yet she leaves such a rich legacy.

  7. Thanks for sharing the special tweet from Peter Reynolds, and your special post. AKR has been in my thoughts all day.

  8. It's nice that reading at bedtime is such a sacred time for you & your kids. I love that both you and the girls were planning out what to read. All of the books you listed are on my TBR stack for sure!

  9. I love the story time joy in a family. I miss this so much. Glad you recognize it as necessary.

  10. "We want to read. We need to read." Mmmm...


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