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{joy in the ordinary} 13/31 #sol17

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

It seems that every once in a slice, a writer needs to create a list. I love lists. Lists keep me organized. Lists help me remember. Lists allow me to check off accomplished tasks. 
Yesterday, I visited Embekka's slice of Joy. She shared the joy in the ordinary. 
Here's a little list of finding thirteen joys in my ordinary ...

Girls climbing into bed in the morning to just be

Homemade-by-me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast
Grocery shopping completed by my husband

Nothing -- repeat NOTHING -- scheduled for the day

Finally winning against the laundry pile

A middle of the day game of "Apples to Apples"

Freshly painted pink toes ready for spring to arrive

Writing a slice of life along side my daughters

Bedtime stories of The Friend Ship and That's Me Loving You

Girls falling asleep soon after goodnight kisses

Inspiration for continuing to write every day -- from you!

Enjoying a quiet night of writing (but missing my little writers)

Joy in reading your comments today. 
Your words mean the world to me. Thank you for this joy! 

What is your joy today?


  1. I love this list of joy. Since joy is my one little word I may need to try a similar project. Thank you for your inspiration - in more ways than one!

  2. Great list of joys. We have many in our lives that we take for granted and miss because we're too busy to notice them. As you know, my OLW is JOY and I've shared it throughout the month. I'll have to share more of my joys in this form. Love ya, Mom

  3. Such a beautiful list, Michelle. As you know, looking for the beauty in the ordinary is what the SOLSC is all about. I may have to try this once I'm snowed-in tomorrow.

  4. List love. Love list. Love the list.

  5. Joy surrounds and fills our lives, if we just stop to notice. Glad you were able to grab hold of these joys on this day.

  6. Finding joy around us. This is such a positive style of writing.

  7. So the pressure's on to do this soon or keep finding more and more joy! Love the idea of listing out the joys we don't usually stop and celebrate.

  8. Chocolate chip pancakes, That's Me Loving You. Sigh - what a beautiful day!

  9. What a lovely list. The girls climbing into bed with you made me smile. I love starting the day like that. You've got me thinking about my own list.

  10. Lots of moments to savor! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!


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