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{what if ...} 26/31 #sol18


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

"Mommy ... what if ..." Madison whispered to me yesterday morning as we were picking out clothes for church.

"What, honey?" I asked, wondering where her concern was coming from.

"Well, what if Harley has her surgery and she dies?" And this came with a flood of tears.

"Oh, come here," I whispered in her ear and hugged her close, "Harley is going to be just fine."

Our six month old puppy is going to the vet today to be spayed. We've talked about this appointment for weeks and tried to explain the surgery to the girls. I talked through the surgery again reassuring her that Harley will be okay.

"The vet has done this surgery many, many times. There is nothing to worry about. She'll be sleepy and sore when we pick her up and our job is to keep her calm," I pause. "How long have you been worried about this? Please, anytime you are worried about something, anything, please tell me. Okay?"

I shared this brief conversation with my husband as we made our way into church. He looked at me with worry too.

"What? You too?" I asked him. Apparently, he is also worried about his new baby and the recovery afterward.

All these worries. I guess we need more family meetings to talk and share our feelings. A worry that I wasn't worried about ...

Harley is going to be just fine.


  1. This is so simple and yet so big. YES start those meetings NOW. Little kids, little worries - big kids, bigger worries. It is so important to make time and rituals to share. If it is just how you do business in your family they will come to you - even with things you may not want (or be ready) to know. Slow down at least one a week - connect over food, games and talk. Harley will be fine -- puppies do bring families together! Lovely slice - I truly enjoyed it.

  2. Our "Miss Compassionate and Caring" little girl. I'm sure some of her concern comes from losing Max last year. Sometimes things that we don't think about really do affect our children even if they are only almost eight. Conversation helps and just being there to listen is the most important thing a Mother can do. Love ya! Hugs to all! Mom

  3. Pets are such an important part of our family! I think it's really natural to worry about losing them, especially if you have every lost one before. I'm glad she felt so comfortable talking to you about it. Hope the surgery goes well!

  4. Poor kid - this is a big worry. Good that she spoke and you could help her. Carrying a worry around brings a heart down.

  5. Poor bug! Thankfully she finally confessed. It’s funny the things they worry about.


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