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{the sweet/crazy puppy} 22/31 #sol18


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

Sweet Harley (6 months old)

For moments during the day --
all she wants is peace.

The face of innocence.
The love she has for us all.

Oh, those eyes. The sweetness in her eyes.
Her ears ready to listen to my every word.

Her black nose warming in the sunshine.
Her paws outstretched, resting --

Until an unexpected surprise attack
She decides to rise up and pounce

The rebellious "teenager" puppy
Nipping, jumping, and acting crazy

Trying to gain our attention so that we
notice her, play with her, enjoy her antics.

For moments during the evening --
when all we want is peace.


  1. That's what puppies are all about - craving attention when we need rest. Such a fun slice. Love ya, Mom

  2. The rebellious teenager puppy - now that is funny! Hope you find peace...even if it is in small doses!

  3. Harley is adorable! Puppies really do have a love for all- it's amazing! Have fun with her :)

  4. A puppy poem. A bit of naughtiness followed by puppy eyes and all is forgiven.

  5. From baby to teenager to toddler to baby again. Oh how these sweet puppies can change on a dime!

  6. As I'm reading your slice, Chloe is bring toys to my husband in an effort to get him to play (he was gone overnight and she missed him). Then she went and got the bath towel we wipe her off with when she's been outside in the mud. In five minutes, she'll be sleeping on the end of the couch. It's a dog's life

  7. Can so relate! Her eyes are amazing, so precious. The photo gives the look of - "Why would you not want to play with me?"

  8. so sweet. I wrote a tomorrow's slice about a 2:30 am game of tag my cats were playing this morning, so I can relate! "Her ears ready to listen to my every word" made me think of my pup and how her head would tilt when she listened. <3

  9. Sounds like you are enjoying your new baby! I love the reversal in this poem!


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