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{quick trip to Target} 14/31 #sol18


The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers.
Join us for a month of writing!

A quick trip to Target last night
"Girls, let's make this fast!"
{We had a list and knew what we needed.}

A stop first at the dollar section
"Look, Mom. It's only a dollar."
{Grabbed a total of four light-up puffer balls.}

Then by the books - they know me
"Look, Mom. A new one! And it's a signed copy."
{Yes, a new copy of She Persisted Around the World.}

The cheap party favor aisle
"Look, Mom. I've always wanted this."
{Added suction cup balls to the cart. I question Why?}

To the clothing section for girls
"Look, Mom. This is so cute."
{Two new HAPPY BIRTHDAY headbands.}

On the way to check out
"Look, Mom! We have to have it!"
{Shaking my head, taking a picture.}

"Very cute, but sorry girls."
"You're mean," one said with disappointment.
{"I know ... Let's go." I said with a smile and a shrug.}

A quick trip to Target last night
"Did we get everything on our list?"
{"We forgot the big chick for ONLY $15."}

"Make the saddest face you can." Sorry girls. It's still no.


  1. Oh Target. I confess, I tend to wander off track when I am in there. My 13 year old son was following me around last weekend, and it was almost comical. Every time I went off track he would clear his throat. "Um..." It cracked me up. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha! I love this! The way you repeat "Mom, look" captures your target experience with your 2 girls. It's that balance of being on a mission and enjoying some of those distractions- like that chick!

  3. Haaa...yeah, you are SO mean! This brings back lots of shopping memories! Hope that chick loves its new home!

  4. It's those "quick" trips that get you every time! There's always something not on that list that is needed (wanted). Love the chicks pic! Love ya, Mom

  5. LOL. I've been on those trips before and not only with the boys or the grandkids. Sometimes a trip with my husband goes just about the same way!

  6. We joke (not really) at my house that I can't go to Target without a chaperone. It's never quick. It's never cheap. Everything is cheap, but when you buy a lot of everything...

  7. And THIS is how I always end up spending $200 every time I go to Target--even if I have a list of five simple things. Except I'm by myself and don't have any kiddos to blame! Like Christie, I need a chaperone!

  8. You always create the best structures! I loved how each line had a purpose in this tale of a quick (?) trip to Target. You know, one big chick would not have been right, you would have needed two. So, no chick for you!

  9. For me, it always, always, always means I buy new office supplies that I probably don’t actually need.

    That dollar section is so full of temptation!

  10. Oh, Target. I have to admit, I feel a little like your daughters when I shop at Target alone, having those conversations with myself. ESPECIALLY the dollar spot. < head shake > An easy target, for sure!

  11. I don't think there is such a thing as a quick trip to Target. :) It's one of those places where you find all kinds of things you didn't know you needed.

  12. TARGET! I'm secretly glad we don't have one in our city (country!) any more. When I get in there I lose all sense of myself and I just start buying stuff I don't even need!

  13. Oh Target! My two daughters are 17 and 18 now, and the “quick trips” rarely happen for us either. The only difference for me perhaps, is the fact that they have jobs now and have to pay for most of their Target wants. Our Target recently had quite the makeover - rearranged nearly the whole store. We love the new fancy cosmetics area. Has yours done this?

  14. This made me laugh! I NEVER get out of Target for less than $100. And I'm usually by myself!

  15. Oh, Target. It gets me every single time. I never can get in and out of there with just the items on my list.


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