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{#sol15} my happy 30/31

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Sunday was just a gray, cold, rainy, windy day.  
It was also my birthday.  And there was a little sunshine.

My parents left to return home after a weeklong visit,
I found my happy in all the new memories made.

After a weekend of celebrating with my family,  
I found my happy in a nap on the couch.

My husband went grocery shopping this afternoon,
I found my happy in only having to put the food away.

We ordered in Chinese food for my birthday dinner, 
I found my happy in the delicious crab rangoon.

I watched a half an hour "birthday" circus show presented by my two girls,
I found my happy in the singing and dancing of "Happy Birthday" on the high wire.

After an enjoyable but busy nine days home with my girls,
I found my happy in transitioning back to our routine ... and early to bed.

As we return to our schedule, think about the next birthdays to come,
I will continue to look for the sunshine and my happy in every day.


Thank you Stacey and Kim for the "find your happy" slice inspiration!  Some days we need to dig deep and find our happy ... to celebrate, write a list, even if it's the little things.  Even on a gray yucky day that happens to be your birthday, there is so much to be happy about!

Early to bed preparing for a new week


  1. Oh how I love this "find your happy" list!!!! This is one I'll write someday! I love how you find your happy even in the mundane or the seemingly unhappy things. :) Thanks for the smile today!!! I'm off to find my happy!!

  2. There's always happy when life can move a little slower and the moments are savored. Even though it was gray outside, there was sunshine in your heart on this happy day.

  3. There's always happy we just have look a bit harder sometimes! Sounds like it was a great week and birthday Michelle! Enjoy the short week back. Xoxo

  4. Finding happy - I like the idea and phrase. Nap happy is another idea and phrase I like. Good food and entertainment make a gray day colorful.


    Glad you found your happy on a gray day. While we're talking about happy, here you go:

  6. Thanks for sharing this sweet post. I will remember this on the days it's hard to find my happy. I will remind myself to keep looking because it's always there.

  7. Sounds like it was a pretty happy birthday! Hope your first day back was enjoyable!

  8. What a wonderful phrase, "I found my happy..."
    Will miss reading your slices every day

  9. Happy Birthday, Michelle. Glad you had such a good one, the icing on the cake of your lovely break. Have a good week, too!

  10. Happy birthday, a day late. I like the image of those daughters on the high wire--I bet that was something to watch. Isn't it the little things that really make us happy?

  11. It's all those little things that help us to "find our happy". So glad that we could be part of that happy. Missing y'all already! Love ya, Mom

  12. Love the way you find your happy - it's all around you, and you are wise enough to notice.

  13. You always make me happy Michelle and Happy Birthday!

  14. Hooray for husbands who grocery shop! :) Happy happy!

  15. Hooray for circus shows put on by your girls! How fun!! Happy birthday - again!!


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