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{#sol15} here it is 14/31

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

Here it is.
The one where I question and wonder.  
The one where I start with simple words.  
And then I delete  delete  delete until the page is empty. 

Here it is.
The one where I'm full of excuses.  
The one where there is no story worth telling.  
And then the blink  blink  blink of the cursor mocking me.

Here it is.
The one where I scour saved slices.  
The one where ideas are seeds.  
And then my fingers tap  tap  tap on the keys.

Here it is.
The one where I struggle.  
The one where my writing feels empty.  
And then my words wait  wait  wait until ...

Here it is.
The one where I push through.  
The one where I write anyway.  
And then the words fill  fill  fill the page.

So here it is.  
The one that I promised I would write.
The one that always appears sometime during the challenge. 
And then I win  win  win the war of words.  At least for today.

Image retrieved from Pinterest


  1. I could feel the struggle in your words. I haven't been there yet, but this reminds me it is coming. It will come. Like you, I will work through, write through, keep moving forward like a writer. That is what writers do.

  2. I totally enjoyed your poem. The repetition in the variations helped capture the frustration we sometimes feel as writers. Thanks!

  3. This morning I was searching my brain thinking, thinking what to write about. Great idea to write about the thought process of writing a slice of life.

  4. Seems like it must run in the family. I'm searching too. The words just don't seem to be here to write. Guess my mood is like the weather - gloomy and lazy. Great slice on your struggle to write. Love ya, Mom!

  5. I love your poem! The repetition will stay with you because you timed timed timed it so well. The quote from pinterest is also brilliant. Writing isn't about having ideas come to us. It's about noticing the ideas and taking the time to do the work.

  6. I loved this- perfect combination of words and emotion (and the repetition made it stronger).

  7. I'm there this morning too! Got on line to slice and have ended up spending an hour looking at other people's slices! Headed out soon to count votes for the Colorado Children's Book Award. Maybe there will be a slice there.

  8. I don't want to be a waiter! I sometimes write whole pages of text and then delete them. I think you're supposed to save them but I don't We all do this though. If you didn't delete and worry and agonize, you wouldn't keep trying. It's when we stop caring that there is trouble.

  9. Love it. Michelle...nothing to write and yet here is another creative slice! Xoxoxo

  10. Love the craft of the triple word. You are the master at creating poetry with repetition.Hope you find your slices in the outdoors today. What a perfect quote at the end!

  11. So true...but, once again you have found a way to be creative and capture just the right words to say what you have to say.

  12. So true...but, once again you have found a way to be creative and capture just the right words to say what you have to say.

  13. I must be worried about this because all night long I was dreaming about writing topics. When It happens I will come to your artful reply to writer's block here to combat it!

  14. This could serve as a mentor for our students, demonstrating the frustration of all writers, and the perseverance required to still write.

  15. The repetitions add power to your idea. I seriously do not understand why it happens that even with abundance of ideas and words there are days when the slice refuses to cooperate. But it happens. And we still write.

  16. Even when you struggle, you make it look so easy! Your writing is beautiful. I'm inspired. But…I'm not sure if I'm a writer.

  17. I love the way that you captured this writing dilemma. I have already had one of these days. I think it was two days ago and it will probably happen again.

  18. You are an amazing writer ... truth!

  19. I really like the repeated line and how you captured the moment.

  20. An excellent example of beating Writer's Block!

  21. Michelle,
    The structure of this is perfect. The way you wrestle through the hard parts at the beginning to come through to the piece of writing is so often true. You have captured that struggle - and its reward - quite well.


  22. It must be the hump of the month because I have seen many posts about struggling to write lately..I have been feeling a little discouraged myself...but we keep at it. Great way to end your post with a powerful quote...I think we were all needing to hear that about now.


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