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{#sol15} All is Right in Our World 13/31

The March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join us for a month of writing!

I'm all about using mentor texts and borrowing structure and ideas, particularly now that we are in the thick of the writing challenge.  Yesterday, I read Deb Day's slice at Coffee with Chloe: All is Right with the World and knew it would be a perfect slice to try.  Sometimes I find that small moments are not BIG enough for a full slice.  And that's okay when I can share a few of those small moments together to make one full slice.


All is Right in Our World

It's been a tough week.  My four and a half year old twin girls both came down with colds and coughs.  P. went to the doctor on Tuesday and was diagnosed with an ear infection.  And then every. night. this. week. one or the other or both have been up in the middle of the night.  

"Mommy.  I have to go potty."  "Mommy, can you help me blow my nose?"  "Cough cough cough."

Last night we -- almost -- did it.  We all almost slept through the night again.  {Wishful thinking. I wrote this last night.}  It was a better night -- much needed after a week of interruptions.  But all is right in our world.

By Wednesday, the girls were "done" having colds.  As we were loading into the car, P. said, "Mommy, I just want to be myself."

"Oh, honey, you are yourself. You are P."  I'm thinking this has to do with her twin sister. They like to dress like each other and be like each other.  We have had lots of conversations about being individuals and different in our own special ways.

"No, Mommy.  I want to be me P. not sick P. "  Of course.  But all is right in our world. 

We finally played outside and enjoyed the spring weather that has arrived.  An hour in daylight riding bikes up and down the driveway and running around the yard.  We found out that we actually have neighbors still ... That's what happens during the winter months.  But all is right in our world. 

As my girls played in the yard, the two neighbor boys, who are four and six years old, joined in the fun.  Then, the boys started play fighting and wresting.   Laughing and crying.

I whispered to P. who was staring at their antics, "Boys.  They are just too rough, aren't they?"

P. leaned in and whispered back, "And loud!"   All is right in our world.

This morning I woke up to publish my slice for today and my internet was not working.  Breathe.  {My one little word this year.}  It had to wait until I arrived at school.  Breathe. And then the formatting went wacky.  Breathe.  

And guess what?  All is STILL right in our world.

Yes, all is right in our world.
Sunshine and blue skies!
Amazingly *fun* Waterlogue app shared via Stacey


  1. Great format. And, yes, All is right in our world. Love all the little snippets and little girl talk.
    Glad they are feeling better. Hope you get some needed rest this weekend. Only one more week - can't wait! Love ya bunches, Mom

  2. When all is right in the world, the world spins a little slower, allowing you to savor the right-ness of the moment. Love the snippets of what's right in your world.

  3. It's rue though . . . It wouldn't change what happens by getting all stressed out! I love hearing what the girls have to say about things. Have a great day! xoxoxo

  4. I love all the little snippets and the connecting "all is right in our world" lines. This is a format I'd like to try sometime. Thanks for the idea!

  5. I love the collection of little slices and your mantra as an anchor for each. I am sitting on a train heading home. It is 20:35 p.m. I was just out with three friends. We spoke about school and life, downs and ups. All is right in our world.

  6. It is so nice to take a little time to even realize that "all is right in our little world." Some days that is even hard. Looking forward to our 70 degree day coming up Monday.

  7. Love the chant that kept you going, Michelle...always focused on what matters.

  8. I love this post as a writer, and as a reader.

    As a writer, I love the anchor for each section. It is like a reverse form of anaphora, woven throughout your piece, bringing it all together beautifully.

    As a reader, I enjoy it for a different anchoring reason. It reminds me that when there are days when the sun that normally illuminates the hearts seems hidden, all is still right with the world. Thank you.

  9. Ahhh, bike rides and small conversations. Lovely week (but now get some sleep!!!).

  10. All is right in your world because you take the time to enjoy it! I loved the little bits that you shared about your world!!

  11. I feel like you just wrote about my week. :)

    The message of your piece is a powerful one. "All is right in our world." Sometimes I struggle to remember that, when our world is busier that I can keep up with. But, things are right all the same. Beautiful piece.

  12. I love this slice. Love how you gathered all these little snippet slices and tied them together with your repeating line. Beautiful writing Michelle!

  13. I really enjoyed reading your collections and loved the line "All is right in our world."

    1. This is Loralee. With the computer woes, I'm not set up with everything on this other laptop.

  14. A positive spin on tricky things! I love it. It is easy to get caught up in negative thinking, but you show that positive thinking is just as easy.


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