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solsc.2012: to be a kid 13/31

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My One Little Word for 2012

Another year older and our almost two-year-old twin daughters are, well, more independent.  They are willing to try more on their own without our help.  The recent warmer evenings have enticed us out of the house.  We walked to our neighborhood park that we visited many, many times last summer.  However, last year we spent the quantity of our time in the swings.  Everyone was contained.  Everyone was secured.  No way, no how -- no one was getting away from us!

Another year older and our almost two-year-old twin daughters are more independent.

As we lifted the girls 
out of the wagon, 
you could see in their eyes
 the freedom to play
to run
to explore
to climb
to slide
to giggle
to be a kid.

To be a kid again
to laugh
to encourage
to guide
to follow
to watch
you could see in our eyes
 the delight to play
as we chased the girls
 around the playground.

Another year older and our almost two-year-old twin daughters are more independent.

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  1. I really like the two sides of this poem--especially "the delight in their eyes"/"the delight in our eyes" lines. It's so connected. I also like the string of verbs in each stanza....great choices.

  2. Oh, yes it was so easy last year, just pushing the swing. Now I can look forward to playing, running, chasing and enjoying. Dad says "Just Wait - you'll get to play a lot more." I loved how you changed your poem from the girls to you. Have fun! Love ya M

  3. Lucky you, you get to "be a kid again" through your daughters. What a fun period you are entering into.

  4. Your OLW is perfect. All of you playing together - you will stay forever young.

  5. I know Michelle, 2 years . . . WOW, just like it was yesterday. . . (I know I keep saying that )I really love the format of poem/words . . . I may just try this sometime!

  6. I've only known you about a year, Michelle & it's hard to believe how old they are. I have an almost 3 granddaughter so I know exactly how they change. But I think they just get so wonderful with the funny talk and explorations all the time. Ingrid spent about an hour playing in bubbles in the kitchen sink last Sunday-fun to watch! Thanks for your dear poem &, like Deb, the small changes of perspective.

  7. Funny how our kids help us to remember and appreciate our childhood. The way you transitioned your poem from the girls to your enjoyment of being a kid again was seamless. Enjoy! They grow up fast.


  8. What a great poem that shares the growing independence of young ones. I love that you are embracing who they are at all their stages of life. I miss these days as a mom. Thanks for helping me relive them with your poem.

  9. Thanks for helping me remember the day we got the swingset installed. Lindsey (nearly 2 yrs) stood at the sliding glass door, so excited, "Cece swing! Cece swing!" :)

  10. I love this! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!


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