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solsc.2012: my three words 10/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

Occasionally on a Saturday morning, I'll turn on Good Morning America as background noise in the kitchen.

It gets me every single time.  I know what's coming.  Yet, I can't stop watching.  I stare and wait.  I watch and read.

Then,  my eyes fill to the brim.  Every. Single. Time.  The music, the videos, the three words.

What if I had to choose just three words about my life?  Well, I couldn't choose just three . . but here's what I thought about!

Just three words

Wife Mother Teacher
Reader Writer Believer

Family is love
Hope Faith Happiness

Need to simplify
Eliminate the Unnecessary

Stress is contagious
So is smiling

Never enough time
Make the Time

Three Little Words

What are your three words . . . for life?  For today?  For right now?

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  1. I like the way you moved immediately from "never enough time" to "make the time" - that's such a great way to look at things!

  2. I love this...just 3 words, what a challenge! This most certainly will be a slice for me....hmmm just 3 REALLY?? I'm up for the challenge...after all, this would't be the first time :-)

  3. Michelle,
    I love your posts! I have bookmarked you since last year's challenge, and I love checking in on your blog and reading your words. I haven't seen the GMA video you are referring to, but I love the premise of using just 3 little words to describe your day. I might have to try this!

    My favorite line..."eliminate the unnecessary"...I totally need to do that! I claim I don't have time for this or that, but if I eliminated the unnecessary, I would find the time. Thanks for your inspiration!

  4. Love, love, love (this post)!

  5. I read this before my walk and couldn't respond right away. I had to think - all the way up the hill and back. Three words - really??? Not as easy as you'd think. You have captured it all, so I can say ditto, but I'll keep thinking....

    Today it's:

    Wife, mother, grandmother
    Peace, Joy, Happiness

  6. Hmm...three little words. First - love the post. Second - love conquers all.


  7. I love the 3-word-lines in your poem -- what a neat idea! I LOVED the lines "Never enough time / Make the time." Amazing the power that so few words can have!

  8. The eloquence of simplicity. Love it.

  9. Stress is contagious
    So is smiling
    These words spoke to me today. Trying to get more smiling in to chase away the stress.
    And again your words are powerful. Here are 3 words:
    Michelle creates poems
    Can I try?
    I will someday.

  10. I had to click on your link to see what this 3 word thing was all about (I clearly do not watch GMA). It reminds me of those 6 word memoirs. I love the way you played with the 3 word idea. It is almost as if we can see your thinking evolve and deepen as you spent more time playing. I like this idea-- a lot!

  11. Michelle,
    I am not familiar with GMA's 3 word challenge, but I love your post. Isn't it funny that 3 little words can say so much. Each three word combination you chose spoke volumes. This would make a great mentor post. When I get home I am going to have to pin it.

  12. Michelle,
    Found some of these three word phrases when I ate lunch out...

    "Nibble. Giggle. Repeat"
    "Dig in. Grin"
    "Glass-half-full, kind of day"


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