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solsc.2012: an interview 9/31

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Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

An interview with myself about writing during the solsc.2012:

When do you write?

I write all day long . . . in my head, on sticky notes, on scraps of paper, in my notebook.  Lately, a lot of this scribbling is happening in the car driving to and from work. (Safely, of course!)  Eventually after the girls are tucked in bed and most of the chores are completed, I take time in the late evening to write.

Where do you write?

Right now, I'm sprawled on the couch with my laptop, letting the words pour out of my fingertips. Sometimes I sit at the desk and write on the big Mac.  It really all depends on the battery life of my laptop!  I'm always in the living room to be in the same room as my neglected-feeling husband. (Poor guy. I asked if he wanted to join the challenge . . . )

What do you write?

I've learned to open my eyes, my ears, and my heart to the world around me.  There are stories to be told in little moments and big.  I write about school life and home life.  I write what's in my heart.  I write what I want to remember.  I write what I may want to forget, but shouldn't.  Last year, I had lists of ideas, many posts started, and borrowed ideas from other writers . . . but this year, I'm truly taking it day by day.  A 'slice' of this or a 'slice' of that.  I'm writing in the moment.

Why do you write?

I write for me.  I write to tell a story.  To capture a moment.  To remember.  I write to be a better teacher of writers.  To struggle.  To practice.  To craft.  To accomplish.  I write because I am a writer.

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  1. I love your format. It reminds me of the interviews at the back of magazines. I, too, often sit in the family room with my laptop as I write and my husband. He feels a bit neglected as I immerse myself in my writing.

  2. Love your interview. I have a list of five ideas in case I get stuck. But so far I just sit down the night before and think of what I want to write and (so far) something pops into my head. Will be interesting to see how long that lasts and if/when it gets hard.

  3. This truly expresses your feelings on writing and I love how you created it as an interview. Thoughtful questions and meaningful answers. I especially like your answer to "Why". That is why we all write and share. Love ya M

  4. Thanks for writing, Michelle! You have given some great feedback and encouragement in your comments to me and to others here. You have posted some wonderful slices that have given me a peek into you heart and mind. Thanks for sharing yourself and making it look so effortless(even if it isn't some days, you make it seem that way).

  5. It's so true Michelle...writing does open our eyes, ears and mind to the world around us...and to to so many feelings that are inside! Great slice once again!!!

  6. Let's save this interview for your first published book! :) I know it's in there ... somewhere!

  7. Your post description hooked me and I clicked right over to your blog. I always love interviews with writers, and I thought that it was fun that you interviewed yourself for a slice. The responses provided so many glimpses into your writing life. I love that you included "in my head".

  8. To struggle. To practice. To craft. To accomplish. So true! Your posts are always inspiring and heartfelt. I want to add To touch to your list of why. You touch many people with your words and comments.

  9. Clever format for letting us to know you better as a writer.

  10. What a great idea...this would be something to do with our kids at the end of the year, to reinforce all that it means to be a writer.

  11. What a fun idea!! I am hoping that by the end of the month, I will feel as attached to writing as you have become.

    I agree with Tara - this would be a fun activity to do with students at the end of the year.

  12. Ooh, I love your "interview" with yourself idea -- what a cute format, instead of just one long reflection. My favorite part was your list of "why"s... but I also loved the part about writing in the living room with your "neglected-feeling husband". That's what I'm doing right now! :-)

  13. Hi Michelle, I have finally some time to comment a lot today & finally found you! This is a great idea & tells so much of 'how' many do this & 'what' happens as you do it. I giggled when you made the reference to your neglected husband. Also, what about neglected house, other tasks, etc.? I especially connected to your 'when' because I am always writing in my head, but do write on all those other things too. Fun, but engulfing! Happy slicing!

  14. I love your answer to the last question. I was going to try to pick out a part, but I love the whole thing, "I write for me. I write to tell a story. To capture a moment. To remember. I write to be a better teacher of writers. To struggle. To practice. To craft. To accomplish. I write because I am a writer." It's so poetic.

  15. Michelle,
    It is fun to peek inside the process of writers. You and I work in much the same way. I too have managed a scrawled note and have found a love for the voice to text phone features on my phone. I was moved by the reasons you write: "I write what's in my heart. I write what I want to remember. I write what I want to forget, but shouldn't." I know I always look forward to stopping by your bloc to see what you have to say.


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