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solsc.2012: making a splash 2/31

Join the challenge and write!
Slice of Life Stories hosted by the

Last year, I did it.  I jumped in and splashed with glory.  I savored the coolness of the waters.  I emerged dripping wet with new understandings.

This year, I'm doing it again. I'm jumping, splashing, kicking, and screaming with delight.  The Slice of Life Story Challenge is an amazing journey and day one of the challenge did not fail to deliver the excitement. (Can you even believe all those that are participating?!?)

This year, I also invited my fourth and fifth grade students to join me in the challenge.  The smiles, the cheers, the excitement was spilling out of my classroom.  Then the questions surged:

                              "When can we start?"          
                "Can we start today?"
            "What if we just wrote one slice today?"
                                            "Can I take my 'slice of life' notebook home?"

"It's a challenge for March. We can write today, but the official challenge begins tomorrow. Let's start opening our eyes and ears to the stories that are swimming around us!" I exclaimed as they floated with excitement out of the classroom.

Fast forward to March 1st

I was settling my first grade group as they were checking in books and checking out books from my classroom library.  I noticed a face peering through my classroom door window.  I walked over and slowly opened it.  I peeked my head around and spotted one of my fourth grade students beaming.

"Did you write today?" Petter whispered.

"I did. Thank you for the reminder. Did you write today?"

"No.  I'm waiting until later," he responded with a huge smile.  "I can't wait!"

I'm overflowing with joy to be participating again.  I'm brimming with happiness that my mom and two colleagues/friends are testing the waters.  And I'm like a ten year old doing a cannonball because my students are jumping in, making a splash, and wanting to write!

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  1. How fun to have so many around you participating! I'm a first-timer myself but looking forward to it.

  2. Your enthusiasm is overflowing and its contagious - not only with me & your friends, but especially for your 4th & 5th graders. The art of writing is something we all need to continue to work on and it's so important to learn the "how to's" early on. Congrats on your accomplishments. Looking forward to splashing around with you!
    Love ya, M

  3. How fun that you have students writing also. I didn't go there with my current group of writing students. But I do have a former student and a colleague who took the plunge! It is exciting!

  4. Love that your students are energized to write! How exciting. Way to go!!!

  5. You are smart. There is no way you can skip a day when you have such a large group of people reminding and supporting you. Have fun splashing!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your excitement! It helped me to take the plunge this year. :)

  7. I love how you sometimes format your posts like this--so the words trickle and flow down the screen. It makes my eye dance as I read! So glad you are slicing again--and even better that you are inspiring others.

  8. I always love how your posts make me feel Michelle. Because you are excited you make me feel excited. And I am so excited to be sharing the challenge with you again this year.

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  9. Excited to see how your students respond! I am a first timer, but my daughter, 8, wants to blog with me too.

  10. Thanks again for your encouragement not only for me but to our students too! You truly are an inspiration :))))

  11. CANNONBALL! You are definitely a stone in the water, causing all kinds of ripples... you are surrounded by writers, new and experienced!

  12. How fun that you have your fourth graders writing. Makes me think. Hmmmm…


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