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SOLSC: A Visit: Part 3 - 21/31

The Slice of Life Story Challenge 
is hosted by the Two Writing Teachers.

A Visit: Part 3
   Part 1  -  Part 2

She asked me to review her research paper.  I had to help her out, but my palms were itchy and a rush of self-doubt came over me.  I teach elementary students how to write.  High school?!?  What do I know about -- Oh! She emailed me again. Maybe she's attached the paper so I can start reading it tonight before we meet tomorrow.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
8:58 pm
Email Inbox
Re: Research Paper

great! its not done yet its still a very rough work in progress. i had it mostly done and then my teacher told me i was analzying history not arguing anything so i have to go back and add analysis that connects the evidence to the thesis but i can email you what i am working on now, or ill finish working on it and email it to you when im done. whatever you would want! thanks so much for your help :) and depending on how much i get done tonight ill let you know, i can probably come at 9ish i was planning on working/ adding more during the day.  Thanks!

Ugh.  "A very rough work in progress." That seems like an understatement . . . look at her email!?  It's stuffed full with so many errors. I could only begin to imagine what her paper was going to look like.  I don't use red pens, but I envisioned red ink splattered all across the pages.  I woke up Thursday morning anticipating an email.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

12:49 am
Email Inbox
Re: Updated Research Paper

This is where i got to as of tonight im planning on waking up early tomorrow to work on it, i still need to connect my examples to my new thesis and i need a conclusion.

I double-clicked to open the attachment.  With one eye closed, I was squinting at the screen. I slowly opened both eyes and I let out a sigh of relief.  

Even though kids these days email, text, and twitter in short form, they still do possess a memory for the art of grammar!


  1. Ahhh-you had me worried. I'm so glad it turned out okay. You tell a good story, cliff hangers & all!

  2. Thank goodness! Your post sort of stressed me out. I tried to help my college-age daughter write resumes and cover letters during her spring break. Not fun. Writing is hard!


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