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SOLSC: Saturdays - 5/31

The Slice of Life Story Challenge 
is hosted by the Two Writing Teachers.


What I love about Saturdays . . .

. . . waking up s-l-o-w-l-y without the assistance of the alarm

. . . snuggling in -- "Just five more minutes."

. . . devouring scrumptious blueberry pancakes with hot syrup

. . . browsing the local newspaper, friendly e-mails, educational e-newsletters, and updated blogs 

. . . lounging in my pjs for as long as I possibly can

 . . . organizing a family-friendly activity for the afternoon

. . . spending every waking minute with my girls: playing, learning, reading, conversing, and loving

 . . . anticipating a date night with my one and only, even if we're nestled on the couch with Netflix

 All the while, I'm ignoring that bursting bag that I dragged home from school.

Saturdays are what I love!

There is always Sunday.  Thank God for two day weekends!


  1. Oh how I identify with you...
    Saturdays are my unplanned days. It is the one day of the week that I do not put any pressure on myself. On Sunday, I will get it together and do all the things that need to get done but Saturday is mine to do with whatever I wish (children have left the nest). School bags remain unpacked.

  2. Me too--although sometimes I switch and let Sundays be my day, but usually Saturday. It's nice this morning to be able to read all the blog posts I want, at my leisure, without worrying about getting to school on time!

    Enjoy your day!

  3. I enjoyed reading your Saturdays list. It sounds like they are great! I liked your idea of doing a list for a solsc post.

  4. I love a good list! Saturdays are by far my favorite because those papers are always waiting for me on Sunday!

  5. My lazy days are Sundays, but you hit the nail on the head with this post. So much of my life is go, go, go, that it is nice to have one day to just chill and let what happens happen.

  6. I love Saturdays too! It's my unwind time as well. Thanks for sharing a great post.

  7. I certainly love those Saturdays, Sundays too. You listed all the good things. It's really a poem, isn't it?

  8. Saturdays, a perfect day of the week with of course, Sunday looming overhead. I tried to switch them up but I couldn't.
    But Saturdays, a perfect day for some SLICING!

  9. Oooh! I love this post! I was looking at others' posts, hoping to be inspired, and yours did just that! Thanks for the idea. "Borrowing" ideas is the best form of flattery, right? Happy Saturday!

  10. It's crazy I know but I love getting up early on Saturdays just so I can get more of the day!


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