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SOLSC: Confidence - 27/31

The Slice of Life Story Challenge 
is hosted by the Two Writing Teachers.

Confidence in Sharing

My mom was the first (and only) person I trusted and shared my blog with when I started it over a month ago.

It takes oodles of courage to share writing with others.  I write, rewrite, delete, read, search for a better word, delete, read again, and   repeat this process four or five times.  Then I read it one more time in the morning.  It takes a long silent moment before I can click the "Publish Post" button at the bottom of the page.  Why do I feel this sense of apprehension?

I think it was easier sharing my writing with the unknown few on Tuesdays for the Slice of Life.  However, now that we have spent almost a month getting to know each other, your encouraging words of support and understanding help continue to build my confidence as a writer.  My willingness to share with others, even those that I know beyond just my mother, is becoming easier.

Yet, as a teacher of reading and writing, I encourage and expect my students to share all day long.  Share their thinking, share their writing.  Though, it just dawned on me . . . I wonder if my students feel the same angst that I do.  What can I do to continue to build their confidence and feel comfortable sharing their writing?  Build a community of writers, just like Ruth and Stacey!


  1. I love reading your posts. You made it seem so easy. It never occurred to me that you would suffer the same angst as I. Isn't it funny that we think our efforts not worthy of others? The lessons learned in SOLS will make for a happier writing community in the classroom.

    I look forward to reading more from you, long after the challenge is over.


  2. You have hit the nail on the head with this post. Writing every day though has given me comfort knowing that I can write every day if I try. I know now what it means to write every day even when you don't feel like it. My family is getting to know me on a different level now--priceless. Connecting this to your students will be invaluable for them.

  3. You had me laughing out loud. I just started my blog this month and would call my mom to listen to my post before hitting that orange button. The nerves, that other eyes will be reading and judging my writing. I know the feeling. I too, wonder if our students feel this way when they enter our classrooms and if they become more relaxed as time goes on. Great reflection.

  4. You are terrific to put your anxiety out there for us to 'see'. I have one colleague at school that is doing this with me & we have talked about how nervous we've been, wondering if we're good enough. I guess we all want to do 'well' with an audience. Your ideas about applying this for your students' welfare is so thoughtful. We do expect it all the time, don't we? We will have to work hard to make a safe community like the Slice of Life Challenge. Then, let the writing begin! Thank you for your comments to my slices also. I appreciate them!

  5. Funny -- when I started blogging, my mom was the person I was most nervous to have read my writing! Sharing it with friends, other teachers, even strangers was far easier than sharing it with the woman I most want to be proud of me. Your comments about a classroom that supports sharing like this are so important and I think you've hit on the most important elements of that community -- you and the attitude you have about sharing what you do.

    Nice job on this post -- the sincerity of your voice is engaging!

  6. What a thrill to know that you feel so comfortable and trusting to share your blog with me. Over the past weeks, you have grown in your confidence and writing talents. Keep writing and sharing. Love ya! M

  7. It is an amazing journey to put oneself out in the world - even when it is virtual. I have thought often of how we demand this of students and don't really do it ourselves. I brought my mom into the world of blogging as a way to share herself with her children and grandchildren. I feel privileged to be her "editor". Thank you so much for participating - with an underline - in this community. I have found your comments valuable and your writing inspiring.

  8. Love your honest thoughts in this post. Reading the comments before me, I ditto what they say. We are growing and learning from each other. Last year when I began the Slice of Life, I kept relating to my students. I would have writer's block, feel anxiety at times, yet through the community of writers, I grew. I've learned more this year and am so excited to 'meet' more writers like you through this journey.

  9. Funny. This is a slice filled with my thoughts. One of the greatest lessons I have learned is putting myself in my student's shoes. I understand them so much better. I have also found that it is easier to share my writing with this SOL community than with my family or friends (except one). It may be because I am not sure they would understand since they haven't tried it themselves.
    You write really well. Your thoughts are clear and writing personal. Your comments are supportive.


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