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{five minute friday}: glue

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday  writing challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker
The challenge is to write for five minutes on a given word.  Just write and share.

Today's Five Minute Friday word:  {glue}

{glue} is sticky, messy, connects, everlasting, hardens.  Just like life.

Reflecting on this holy of holy weeks, with much help from specific daily devotions from my pastors, be a part of the many praying for 120 hours of prayer, Ruth Ayres' 40 Stories for Lent, and deep conversations with my small group, I have witnessed how Jesus is the {glue} in my life, holding everyone and everything together.    

Jesus loved.
Jesus forgave.  
Jesus cried out.
Jesus suffered.
Jesus died for us and all of our sins.

Jesus is the One.  

The only one that I need to desire to have a relationship with to keep me from 
and falling apart.

Through His relationship, He connects me those that continue to nudge and push and encourage my spiritual growth.

And then Jesus rose from the dead and stood in Victory.

Jesus is my everlasting Savior, my {glue} and He promises to connect to me in this life that is sticky, messy, and occasionally when my heart hardens.  


  1. beautiful. love this. thank you fmf neighbor for sharing.

  2. Stopping by from FMF today. Your words are wonderful!

  3. So very true. Love your last line: "Jesus is my everlasting Savior, my {glue} and He promises to connect to me in this life that is sticky, messy, and occasionally when my heart hardens." Thanks for sharing your "glue". Love ya, Mom


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