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{sols} vacation

Slice of Life hosted at the
Join in and share a slice of your life.

Finally, school ended.

And summer arrived, starting with a vacation away ...

So much planning, organizing, packing, and loading the days before a long, long drive from Illinois to Florida.  With four year olds.  Did I mention that's TWO four year olds?

Time away from the go-go-rush of life.  No thought or needing to balance home and work life.  It was all 100% family time.  No worries.  No stresses.  No responsibilities to think about at home.  Unplugged ... almost.

Laughter and relaxing.  No rushing, just savoring moments.  Beaching-going and building sandcastles.  No to-do list waiting, just wish-list saving.  Live music jamming and fine dining Ć  la Grandpa.  No thinking about what needs to be done, just enjoying it all.  Pool dipping and extra-long napping.  No schedule to adhere to, just doing what we want.

Fun in the sun.  All week long.

And then, in a blink of six days, it was time to say goodbye --

Goodbye beach.  Goodbye house.
Goodbye ocean.  And pool.
Goodbye Grammy and Grampy.
Goodbye Nana and Papa.
Goodbye vacation.

Then the looooong drive back home.  With four year olds.

Did I mention the girls were fabulous travelers?

And it feels so good to be home too.

Back to our every day life and what we know and love.  But with summer comes no school today or tomorrow.  No thought of needing to balance home and work life.  Almost the vacation life --

Minus the beach.  Even though I'm still finding sand in everything.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time, whether on the beach or at home, Michelle! I'm headed east to MO this Friday with my daughter, the two young girls & my older grandson. It'll be quite the trip & I'll think of you! The older ones are good travelers, but we're not sure about the 3 year old who doesn't remember the last time we did this. She's only flown before! Have a great week!

  2. Your vacation is what every teacher needs at the beginning of summer to really feel the difference between work and vacations! So glad your trip was relaxing and fun!

  3. Congrats on a successful trip with two 4 year olds! I'm so glad they were awesome for you, but mama should still get some kind of prize. Have a wonderful summer!

  4. Love your relaxed and happy voice in this! I hope summer continues to be an oasis for weary minds and bodies. So great that the girls were good travelers. That makes more trip options available.

  5. Such fun with everyone. The girls were such delights - their stories and antics were amazing. And how they loved the water and sand and sand and more sand. Enjoy the rest of your summer, hopefully lots of relaxing! Love ya, Mom

  6. Although vacations are wonderful, it is always nice to find sand...I mean be home! I can't imagine traveling that far with two four year olds! So glad you found time to spend with family and relax!

  7. So happy to hear that you had a wonderful, relaxing, reviving vacation! What I think I love most about this is the positive spirit that radiates from the whole post. I love how happy you were on vacation but also how content you were to return home to what you "know and love." Enjoy the rest of the summer with your girls! :)

  8. What a happy start to summer! It was a splash of refreshment to read. Enjoy this time. Hurrah it is summer.

  9. How wonderful! All of it!
    God is good.


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