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#cyberPD Learning

It's that time of year.  School is ending and there is a little extra free time.  Time to do more of what you love.  For me?  Reading.  Reading all kinds of books.  And more time to read professional development (PD) books of my choice.

I have quite a collection of PD books stacked at home and at school.  Some have been tasted.  Others fully digested.  And yet some books are still waiting.  Waiting to be discovered and read and talked about.  My book stack (so far) for the summer.  They won't all be tasted or digested this summer, but there will be ONE that I can't wait to read -- alongside YOU!

My 2014 Summer PD Stack

Over the last three years, I have participated in an online summer book study discussion group called #cyberPD. This year I am helping host this awesome event  with Cathy Mere and Laura Komos.    

In a previous post I reflected on the importance of this awesome PLN community:
Reading any PD book grows my thinking and gets me wondering about the implications in my school and more specifically, in my resource classroom.  This title was not in my original #cyberPD summer book stack, but I wasn't about to miss out on the conversations and learning.  Opening up the conversation to educators across the globe, exponentially  e x p a n d s  my thinking and learning.  Because YOU just might:
  • Pick a phrase from the book that I missed and share your thoughts.  
  • Ask a really good deep question that makes me ponder.  
  • Share your insights to your understanding and the implications in your classroom.
...and all of your great thinking pushes my thinking.  Let the learning begin!  I hope you will join in the conversations too -- whether you are reading the book with us or not!  Your ideas and thoughts MATTER!
So, are you in?  Will you own your learning?  Share your PD book stack either on Twitter using the #cyberPD hashtag or leave a link below in the comments!  Let us know if you want to participate too!

We'll be making a decision this weekend on our summer book read.  Then, come July, we'll all have the selected PD book in hand, sticky notes and highlighters ready, and blogs open for sharing.  Let the true learning begin.  I hope you will join in the conversation too!

You read.  You reflect.  You share. You respond to others.
Then repeat.


Stay connected to learning more about #cyberPD starting in July and to find out more specific details.  For your planning, the book is divided into thirds and each week in July we read, reflect, share, and respond to others.  Then the last week, a Twitter chat. 

Cathy Mere on Twitter @CathyMere and blogs at Reflect & Refine: Building a Learning Community

Laura Komos on Twitter @LauraKomos and blogs at Ruminate and Invigorate

Michelle Nero on Twitter @litlearningzone and blogs here at Literacy Learning Zone


  1. This is awesome, Michelle! I can't think of a better person to help facilitate #cyberPD. Can't wait to see what the choice is this summer.

  2. Sometimes my book stacks overwhelm me! So many good things to read and not enough time! :0)


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