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SOLS: Comments Matter

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Yesterday, Ruth asked a very important question: What fuels writers?

Feedback is important in the writing process.  Someone to open your eyes.  Someone to challenge your thinking.  Someone to question.  Someone to help you change and rearrange your words to let them flow.  Someone to encourage you to try something new.  Someone to help open your heart and mind to grow in the writing process.  Comments matter. 

In my busy life, I don't have the opportunity to read all the Slice of Life posts, but I do try and read as many as I can . . . especially those writers that I know and love to read each week.  As I read a Slice of Life Story, I try and connect with the author, learn a little bit more, listen a little bit deeper, understand why the writer wanted to share the slice of life.  And so, from there, I leave a comment . . . most of the time.  Comments matter. 

There are many that comment. Readers that provide such insights and provoke my thinking as a writer.  Readers that see things that I didn't intentionally try to do in my writing.  Readers that show that they care and understand and listen.  Why do we write for the world to see and read? Comments are the breath of life in blogging.  Comments matter. 

There are also many that don't comment and that's okay. I've been there before, sitting with my fingers tapping the keys wondering what to say, wondering how my words can make a difference.  Every voice matters.  We are all just little kids inside looking for reassurance. Hoping that we've written a story worth sharing.  Wishing to gain more insight and clarity in our writing.  Praying that somebody liked it!  Comments matter. 

To help fuel my fellow writers, my goal is to always leave a comment, even if it is as simple as: Thanks for sharing!  Feedback fuels writers.  To do more, to try more, to write more. Comments matter. 


  1. "We are all just little kids inside looking for reassurance." Boy, you hit the nail on the head with that one. I think one of the top things I have learned from blogging is the importance of comments and what they mean to a writer. I comment so much more on student work now and have been working with students to comment more.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I totally agree with you that comments matter. Part of the reason I love being part of the slice of life community is that people do leave comments. It makes the writing that I do feel valued. I agree that comments do help fuel my writing on my blog! I feel that it's the same way for our students and the writing they do. They need feedback and comments on what they write as well! Thanks for sharing this slice.

    Jee Young

  3. Here! Here! Well written and totally true. Comments are the breath of life in blogging. Perfect.

    I think it is part of the power of the Slicing community...we all leave a little comment-love where + when we can and in the end it all adds up and is enough.


  4. Comments matter. Not just to the writer. I find that when I read comments to someone else's post I learn. The original idea sometimes grows and new ideas are added. I also learn how to become better at commenting.

  5. I agree so wholeheartedly, Michelle. I believe it's one of the important things I learned to do as a teacher, to help my students grow as writers. I love hearing from all of you about my work, and am sometimes surprised about what people reflect about-not necessarily what I would choose at all. Thanks for this honest reflection about an important part of blogging.

  6. Thanks for capturing the essence of WHY comments matter so clearly! Reassurance that our ideas matter. Challenges and other points of view that spur us to think differently... and so many other reasons. It would be fantastic for students to have more chances to get written comments from other students more often! (Obviously a great reason to use student blogging, but I think it would be nice to set up a similar process with normal "paper" writing too!

  7. You are correct on all counts. I've been lax on my comments for the last few weeks. Time to try to catch up!

  8. Yes! It is wonderful to have my thinking validated. I am amazed at the relationships I've built through mutual comments. Now you've got me thinking about the kinds of comments that fuel me as a writer compared the to the kinds of comments I find time to give my student writers. Must find more gems!

  9. How true you are....comments fuel that excitement of writing. Getting that little snippet of someone else's thoughts makes all the difference sometimes. I know that I appreciate your comments and know how hard it is to get to all the wonderful posts during the business of life. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of comments and for the ones that you leave.

  10. Totally love your post! I loved your comment "Every voice matters. We are all just little kids inside looking for reassurance." Our kids appreciate compliments and nudgings. So do we.
    You use of the repeating line was excellent! MHG

  11. Comments are the highlight of my Tuesdays. I try to get teachers to understand how important their comments are to students, not just saying "That's good." Please tell them exactly what you thought was good. I loved your repetition. You spoke my thoughts.

  12. M-

    This community would be NOTHING without comments.

    I, too, find it challenging to get around to all of the posts and I host it every week. I try and try, but it's so hard now that I have Isabelle. But let me tell you, there is no one who knows it more than I do that comments are what fuels the writers of the SOLSC to keep on slicing!

    My best,

  13. I love to read your blog... keep the writing coming! I was inspired to write for the first time in 2 months. Thanks!

  14. We all like to be recognized and understood. I find it amazing when I read the comments on your posts - I have to go back an re-read the post to see make sure I've really read what you've written. You have improved so much this year in your writing and relating. Keep writing and sharing.
    Love ya, M

  15. Yes! Comments do matter. I don't always link to my blog, knowing I don't always have time to comment on the writing of others- and it feels selfish... because the comments mean so much to me. It is worth it to find the time! Thanks for you honest and clear reminder.

  16. Since I work with very young writers, I find myself wondering how older students feel about comments on their writing. While it is fuel for us bloggers - because we love to write and write to be read - do students feel the same way?


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